Saturday, February 22, 2014

9 Nutrition for Healthy Skin

Healthy skin, not only requires care from the outside but also need the intake of nutrients from food. Here are some foods and nutrients that can help you get healthier and brighter skin.

1. Water
Water keeping the root of skin stay moist, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, helps cells absorb nutrients and remove toxins. In addition, water is also improving blood flow, keep skin glowing.

2. Selenium
Selenium is a mineral that helps protect skin cells from free radicals. In addition, these minerals also function to prevent cancer. You can get selenium from foods such as brazil nuts, button mushrooms, shrimp, lamb, cod, tuna, salmon, beef, scallops, sardines, crab, and whole-wheat pasta.

3. CoQ10:
Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally produced in the body. Antioxidants protect the skin and the body's cells from free radical damage. In addition, CoQ10 is also involved in energy production and immune system function. You can get antioxidants from oily fish such as salmon and tuna, organ meats such as liver, and whole grains.

4. Antioxidants for healthy cells
Antioxidants prevent or slow the cellular damage caused by free radicals. This damage will cause the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and dry skin. Antioxidants can be found in all kinds of food, especially colorful fruits and vegetables such as berries, tomatoes, apricots, beets, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, peppers, soybeans and orange.

5. Vitamin A for skin repair.
Wanna have a bright and smooth skin? Add intake of oranges, carrots or cantaloupe. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin A, which helps maintain the skin layer moisture. In addition, you can also get vitamin A from green leafy vegetables, eggs, and low fat dairy products such as cheese and milk.

6. Vitamin C protect from the sun.
Vitamin C helps protect skin from the sun. In addition, vitamin C also repair damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are generally damaging skin fibers such as collagen and elastin. This vitamin can be obtained from red peppers, citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, broccoli, and green vegetables.

7. Vitamin E: improve skin health.
Vitamin E is another antioxidant that can prevent skin damage from the sun. Vitamins also act as anti-inflammatory and strengthens the immune system. This vitamin can be obtained from vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, asparagus, and green vegetables.

8. Essential fatty acids.
Essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 oils help produce the skin's natural protective layer and prevent the appearance of acne. You can get these essential fats from olive oil and canola oil, flaxseed, walnuts, and other types of fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel.

9. Healthy oils.
Some types of oils rich in essential fatty acids more than other oils. Virgin olive oil, for example, more rich in fatty acids than other types of commercial oil. These oils help moisturize the skin and keep the skin looking and feeling healthy.

Tips How To Get Healthy Skin Naturally

Every woman wants healthy skin, soft and fresh. Not a few women complain of dull skin, rough, and not shiny. Many factors can damage skin care, ranging from ultraviolet to the dust and pollution. What are treatment that required for healthy skin?. Here are some tips or ways to have a healthy skin, soft, clean and fresh.

1. It has long been drinking enough water can help rejuvenate human skin. It is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. When the weather is hot or after exercise is recommended to drink more. The skin will retain moisture and drinking enough water also helps rid the body of harmful toxins.

2. Eat foods that have more fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, etc.. Because fiber foods can aid digestion and absorption are more optimal. In addition, to improve the cleaning dirt from our bodies.

3. Besides fiber eat foods that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants may slow the aging of human skin cells. These substances are found mainly in fruits and vegetables.

4. Eat a variety of foods. Foods that contain protein and carbohydrates from different sources can prevent fermentation in the large intestine. So it can enhance the absorption of nutrients in the blood.

5. Essential fatty acids (good fats) can maintain the health of our skin. Essential fatty acids can be obtained from green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), beans, nuts ass, whole grains, fish, mackerel, sardines, salmon.

6. When you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of warm water, followed by drinking nettle tea or warm water with lemon juice. This can help cleanup dirt in our body. And help refresh your body after a long sleep.

7. Avoid very spicy foods and foods that contain lots of salt. Because foods that contain lots of sodium can lead to swelling of the skin.

8. Avoid smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, and caffeine in large quantities. Because it can make our skin dry and dull.

9. Avoid foods that contain a lot of oil or fat is bad, like fried, coconut milk, etc.

10. Regular exercise to maintain a healthy and toned skin. Exercise can also reduce the fats in our body.

11. Protect your skin from the sun directly. Use a moisturizer that helps the skin stay moist and protects the skin from the sun. Protect skin by using a jacket or other protective when extremely hot weather is also important.

12. Use cosmetic products are safe for the skin. There are many people who are allergic to a particular substance. In the event of damage or symptoms that are not right after using cosmetics, immediately consult a trusted dermatologist.

Friday, February 21, 2014

5 Foods For Healthy Lungs

There are some healthy and nutritious foods that are beneficial for maintaining healthy lungs, respiratory system ensuring functioning properly, and also to help reduce the risk of lung disease. Food for healthy lungs are actually not hard to find and very cheap price, here are some healthy foods for lungs:

1. Apples and tomatoes
Apples and tomatoes have the greatest potential to protect your lungs from tobacco smoke pollutants and other air toxics. Both of these foods contain antioxidants and other nutrients that are beneficial for improving lung function, reduced wheezing, and help people with asthma to breathe easier. In addition, you should also consume fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients at least five servings a day. This will help you get lung health specifically and health in general.

2. Orange fruit
Vitamin C found in the fruit may help prevent free radical damage that triggers pneumonia. Fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes are naturally anti-inflammatory that can reduce tissue swelling of the lungs such as asthma. Vitamin C also acts to improve lung health, and may reduce the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers.

3. Berry fruit
Types of berries such as blackcurrant, blueberry and strawberry contains powerful phytochemical resveratrol, which naturally has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, enhance memory, improve fat metabolism and may inhibit oxidative stress-induced cancer of the lungs. According to Paul Gross PhD, his role in "Super Fruits", consuming this fruit regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease by 20%. Berries are also high in anthocyanins which may help reduce lung cancer and gastrointestinal tract.

4. Cereals and grains
Cereals, grains, bread, and other products that are high in fiber could potentially have the ability to maintain healthy lungs.

5. Fatty Fish
Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna,  sardines and mackerel, provide rich amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats the body must obtain from food. According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2002, omega-3 fats derived from fish oil may have a positive impact on lung health in children with asthma. In some cases, omega-3 fat intake has allowed individuals faced with chronic lung inflammation to require smaller amounts of anti-inflammatory medication.

4 Healthy Cereal For Healthy Breakfast

Cereal is the most practical breakfast menu. It was crispy-crunchy tasty and more delicious added to milk. This breakfast was able to give nutrients intake and make the body healthy. Cereal is a food with high carbohydrate content, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and low in sugar. Cereal is perfect for those who want to lose weight without feeling a sense of weakness. Additional fresh milk is also an important option to increase intake of calcium in the body.

It is better to eat cereal every morning in order to body more energy throughout the day. This is because the high fiber cereal made ​​with whole grains are perfect. Best cereal are whole-grain cereals that made ​​with oats, shredded wheat, or brown rice.

Here are 4 healthy cereal for breakfast:

1. Whole-grain cereals
whole-grain cereals is a good source of vitamin E and fiber. It can make you healthy and stay active throughout the day. When compared to other cereals, whole grain cereals have a low fat, cholesterol, and easy to digest. So, if you're on a diet, you can eat whole grain cereal to lose weight and clean the toxins from the body.

2. Oat cereal
Haver known as oat, Cereal growing in subtropical and temperate climates. Oat cereals contain a lot of vitamins and folic acid. You can mix it with honey and sliced ​​fresh fruit.

3. Barley cereal
Barley is a cereal similar to animal feed, malt producer, and as a health food. Barley itself is included in the tribe of grains. Patients with diabetes shall eat cereal barley. Barley to control blood sugar and high in fiber, amino acids, anti-oxidants and zinc.

4. Cereals from seeds or nuts
This is a healthy cereal made ​​from whole seed and nuts. One serving of this cereal has 7gram fiber, 6 grams of protein, and 4 grams of sugar. Cereals This type contains a lot of vitamin D, folic acid, and fiber.

For added flavor, you can mix the cereal with sliced ​​fruit, honey, or milk. Do not miss a healthy breakfast, so the body can fit all day.

Why is It Important To Eat Healthy? This is the Answer

Why is it important to eat healthy? Eat healthy means we eat a variety of foods that provide the nutrients we need each day to maintain a healthy body, by healthy eating we will feel better, and have energy.

In order to the body function optimally, then you should be able to provide sufficient vitamins and minerals. Provide nutritionally balanced from all food groups. Our inability to sort out and eating healthy foods lead us vulnerable to disease. The body can not optimally perform healing (self healing). This is the reason why the current modern society is so fragile and vulnerable to a variety of diseases.

Healthy food menu consists of a combination of a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk, high-fiber carbohydrates, or protein sources come from animals or plants.

Benefits of Eat Healthy Every Day:

Eating a healthy food menu every day can bring many benefits. Here are some of the benefits of eat healthy:

1. Controlling Body Weight, Avoid Obesity
By eating healthy you can manage your weight. Uses weight management is to avoid obesity. Obesity can cause a wide range of dangerous diseases such as stroke. Eat healthy can prevent obesity by some way. One, healthy food menu consisting of foods low in calories. Two, in healthy food menu usually contains a lot of fiber which can make full longer. Third, eating healthy foods boost metabolism. High metabolism can help you burn more calories each day.

2. Get Healthier Heart
Healthy food can replace foods containing bad cholesterol, by good cholesterol as such as olive oil. Bad cholesterol is the cause of heart disease from our bodies.

3. Low Blood Sugar Levels
Healthy food is usually lower sugar content so it can avoid having high blood sugar which can lead to diabetes.

4. Disease Prevention
Eat healthy can help you avoid disease. Healthy food, especially vegetables, usually have high levels of phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are substances that can increase endurance. Eating healthy foods each day can prevent heart disease, diabetes, stroke and even Alzheimer's.

Live a better life by eat healthy every day. Eating a healthy food menu every day is a habit that has nothing to lose, by build this habit you can get many benefits. For those who feel tight pants, can start by adjusting the diet healthy eating patterns and forget eating unhealthy food. Balance eat healthy with regular exercise every day for a healthy life.

Healthy Calorie Intake Per Day

What is the standard healthy calorie intake per day? The general standard of calories a person needs is different. Factors that influence such as gender, age, weight, physical activity, physiological conditions (eg pregnant women), and others.

What is a calorie?

Calories are the unit used to express the amount of energy. In general calories for the amount of energy contained in food. Calories can be obtained from the intake of nutrients that contain nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins.

What is important to know the calories?

The number of calories in the diet is necessary to calculate energy balance. If the number of calories consumed is less than calories used, the weight will be reduced because the energy from the fat reserves will be used. Conversely, if the number of calories in is greater than calories used, the weight will increase. Excess energy will be stored as fat. The excess fat can increase the risk of hypertension, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes1. Therefore, calorie intake needs to be controlled to maintain weight and prevent metabolic diseases.

How much intake of calories needed in a day?

In general, men need 2,500 calories per day, while women need about 2,200 calories per day, the benchmark is balanced nutrition. Balanced diet includes diversity food, between carbohydrates, proteinmelalui side dishes, and other regulating substances through the vegetable and animal can buah.Protein such as meat, fish, or eggs, or vegetable protein, such as tofu, tempeh, and beans.

For women, for example if you need 2200 calories per day, calories can be divided into about 20 percent eat breakfast, lunch and dinner 30 percent, and the rest is snack. Snack can be two times, morning and afternoon, respectively 10 percent. The man, the same divisions just needs more caloriesthat is 2,500 calories,

Source Of  Calorie

There are three main sources of calories that can be obtained from foods, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

a. Carbohydrate
  • One gram of carbohydrates is equivalent to 4 calories.
  • Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the body.
  • Figures Daily Nutritional Needs for carbohydrates is 300 grams. The fiber needs should be met as much as 25 grams per hari3.
  • There are several things to consider in choosing a source of carbohydrates, the Glycemic Index. Glycemic index is a number that indicates the potential of a food to raise blood glucose levels. The higher the Glycemic Index value, the faster these foods increase blood sugar levels darah4.
  • Examples of foods that have a glycemic index (GI) among other high-sugar, glucose, and sugary drinks. While foods with a low GI are brown rice, pasta, and whole wheat bread. As for foods with low GI provide satiety longer so as to prevent excessive calorie intake. In addition, foods with a low GI will not increase blood sugar levels drastically making it suitable for people with diabetes5.
  • Consumption of carbohydrates should not done to excess because glucose levels are too high in the blood can lead to diabetes. In addition, excess carbohydrate is converted and stored as fat in the body.
b. Protein
  • One gram of protein is equivalent to 4 calories.
  • Protein plays an important role in metabolism and the formation of the human body. Protein is the substance of cells and plays a role in repairing damaged body parts. Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle building as well as supporting role in the body's metabolism and immune system in addition to acting as an energy source.
  • Daily Nutritional Requirement Numbers for protein is 60 grams.
  • Protein source is divided into two, namely animal and vegetable sources.
  • Animal: beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and milk
  • Vegetable: beans, tempeh, tofu
c. Fat
  • One gram of fat is equivalent to 9 calories.
  • Fats serve as energy reserves and protective organs.
  • Excess calories from food intake is stored as energy reserves. Therefore, the consumption of carbohydrates or proteins that your body converts excess fat.
  • Daily Nutrient Requirements Numbers for fat by 62 grams. The consumption of dietary cholesterol be limited so as not to exceed 300 mg per day.
  • Daily fat intake should be considered. Because excess fat intake resulted in the accumulation of fat that lead to obesity and elevated cholesterol. High cholesterol levels can lead to coronary heart disease resulting in death.
  • There are two sources of fat, which is fat source of "good" fats and "bad". Expand resource consumption of good fats and reduce the consumption of bad fats because bad fats can lead to the risk of a fatal disease.
  • Sources of good fats: fish, vegetable sources like beans, soy, olive
  • Bad fat sources: organ meats, fried foods, butter, trans-fat in margarine, fat in meat
    Set the calorie intake, it's important. Set the a good balance of calories can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, a healthy weight and prevent metabolic diseases later in life.

    Source of Healthy Fats that You Can Get From Food

    The key to getting healthy fats actually focusing on good fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and avoid bad fat (trans fat and saturated fat. Fat is essential for maintaining body temperature and keep skin healthy. Consumption of fat as an energy source are still required.

    The type of fat in foods such as trans fats, hydrogenated oils, saturated fat and some tropical oils, can cause imbalances, chronic inflammation and disease. This is the type of fat that should be avoided. While olive oil, nuts, grains and oilseeds, vegetable oils unprocessed and non-hydrogenated oils are the best choice of fat you should consume each day.

    Here is the source of healthy fats that you can get from food:

    1. Avocado
    Avocado is a fruit that has a high content of fat. But not to worry, the avocado has good fat (HDL). The content of lutein in avocados believed to help improve the quality of eye health and their chlorophyll content is a source of antioxidants.

    2. Virgin coconut oil
    Coconut oil can be the best choice as a healthy dessert menu. Although the use of coconut oil continues to be studied, but the benefits have been recognized As with potent anti-bacterial, rich in vitamin C and E and iron. Some research even indicates, coconut oil can aid weight management, because it reduces the stress on the endocrine system.

    3. Fish
    Some types of fish contain fat that is very good for health. Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and tuna is a species of fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Fats in fish are needed to help the growth, development of brain function, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in marine plants such as krill, algae, plants and some peanut oil. Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), increase the good cholesterol (HDL), reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

    EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a type of omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish oil to reduce the risk of abnormal heart rhythms that lead to sudden death and heart disease, according to a study at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

    4. Nuts or legumes
    Nuts are a source of nutrients that protect your health. People who eat nuts regularly lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes than those who eat less, according to a study at the Harvard School of Public Health. Agency for Food and Drug Administration, USA (FDA) even claimed, "eating food that includes one ounce of nuts per day can reduce the risk of heart disease."

    Most types of nuts mengandungan levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) is low and can increase good cholesterol. Walnuts, for example, contains omega-3 fatty acids that protect you from the deadly abnormal heart rhythm and blood clotting. Some examples of types of nuts that contain omega 3 are peanuts, lentils, almonds and walnuts.

    5. Eggs
    Eggs are a cheap source of nutrition and protein. People often think egg whites are healthier than whole eggs because they contain less fat. While it is true that egg yolks contain fat, but with important nutrients. One whole egg contains 5 grams of fat, but only 1.5 grams of saturated fat. Whole eggs are also a good source of choline (one egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline), an important B vitamin that helps regulate the brain, nervous system and cardiovascular system.

    6. Olive oil
    Olive oil is commonly used in the Mediterranean diet, one of the most recommended type of diet for a healthy lifestyle. We also have heard that olive oil reduces the risk of heart disease, blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. However, once again moderation is important if you pay attention to your weight. A recent study published in the journal Neurology found that by cooking with olive oil may reduce the risk of stroke.

    Thursday, February 20, 2014

    Foods That Can Lower Bad Cholesterol

    There are a number of foods that can reduce levels of Low-Density Lipoproptein (LDL) or bad cholesterol that causes plaque in blood vessels, and increase High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol that can be utilized the body to process vitamins are soluble in fat.

    To reduce levels of LDL, you should reduce your intake of saturated fat. Saturated fats are usually found in animal products such as meat, milk, cream, butter, and cheese. There is also a saturated fat comes from vegetable oils such as coconut milk, coconut oil, and vegetable fat. But many foods that contain unsaturated fats that are very effective in lowering cholesterol levels.

    Here are foods that can lower bad Cholesterol:

    1. Soybeans
    Soybeans and derivatives, such as soybeans that are processed into tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and soy flour contain isoflavones, which are substances that can reduce LDL.
    But remember, though delicious tofu and tempeh can not effectively lower cholesterol when treated carelessly. For example, fried in cooking oil or mixed with coconut milk. Because, coconut milk and cooking oil are sources of saturated fat. Agency for Food and Drug Administration USA (FDA) recommends consuming at least 25 grams of soy protein per day to lower cholesterol levels.

    2. Nuts
    Nuts are a source of soluble fiber which very high. Consuming soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol. Consume nuts such as chickpeas, kidney beans, long beans regularly for six weeks can reduce cholesterol levels by 10%.

    3. Salmon fish
    Salmon is very good because it contains Omega-3 acids can help reduce LDL and increase HDL and trigiserilda. Salmon contains EPA and DHA are good for heart health. The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings per week to get the maximum benefit. Besides salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel, and herring are also good.

    4. Avocado
    Avocado is a source of unsaturated fats that can increase HDL levels. Unfortunately, avocados are high in calories, so it must be combined with vegetables that can reduce calories.
    A medium-sized avocado contains 300 calories and 30 grams of saturated fat, while normal human body needs is 1,800 calories and 30 grams of saturated fat per day.

    5. Garlic
    Since thousands of years ago, garlic was believed to contain many substances that are good for human health. Ancient Egyptians wore garlic to increase stamina. In modern times, garlic is used to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure and protect the body from infection. The most recent findings, garlic can prevent cholesterol particles stuck to the walls of blood vessels.

    6. Spinach
    Spinach contains lots of lutein. Lutein is an important substance that can maintain the health and sharpness of eye function. Lutein also was able to maintain heart health because it can prevent grease build up in the blood vessels. It is advisable, to eat spinach every day about half a bowl for maximum results.

    7. Margarine
    Several types of margarines can lower cholesterol levels. For example margarine canola flower from seed oil.

    8. Cashew, Almonds and Walnuts
    Monounsaturated fat, in the cashews, almonds, and walnuts are low-fat foods that are good for heart health.

    9. Tea
    Tea, would be drunk cold or hot, the same benefits. Tea contains antioxidants that can make blood vessels relax so avoid blood clotting. Antioxidants in tea are flavonoids can prevent LDL oxidation that lead accumulates in blood vessels. Enjoy a glass of tea every day could meet the needs of antioxidants.

    10. Chocolate
    Chocolate was healthy. Of course, chocolate is mixed with too much milk contains too much fat. So, choose a dark or bitter chocolate. Chocolate is healthy because it contains a lot of antioxidants and flavonoids. White chocolate, it does not contain any substances that are consumed less healthy. Flavanoid content of chocolate varies depending on where chocolate is grown and processing.

    14 Foods To Keep Healthy Liver

    The liver is a vital organ of the body and needs to be maintained in order to stay healthy. Liver plays an important role in neutralizing toxins or detoxification in the body. To maintain liver function, it is better always to choose healthy foods, especially those that are helping cleansing toxins.

    Author of Natural Prescriptions for Common ailments, Dr. Carolyn Dean, said that bitter foods like spinach and mustard greens are very good to wash the liver. Bitter herbs that help stimulate the flow of bile in the liver. Also it is recommended to increase the intake of fruits, legumes, and omega-3 fatty acids to help metabolize fats and reduce the production of triglycerides.

    Here are the foods for healthy liver:

    1. Onions and Garlic
    Contains sulfur which helps sweep range of toxic substances such as chemical drugs, alcohol, pesticides, and other environmental pollutants.

     2. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts. 
    The amount of vitamin K is important for the detoxification process.

    3. Artichoke. 
    These vegetables contain acids that can protect caffeoylquinat simultaneously regenerates the liver. Artichoke also increases the production of bile. In one study, 30 minutes after eating artichoke bile flow increased to 100 percent.

    4. Legumes
    Legumes such as lentils, peas, soybeans, contains the amino acid arginine is needed in the detoxification of ammonia, which is a waste product of protein digestion.

    5. Bits and Carrots
    Both plants are high in vitamin A can help stimulate and improve overall liver function due to flavonoids and beta-carotene services contained therein.

    6. Green tea
    This drink is not only delicious to eat, but also has good properties for the body, one of them through catechins that can help the liver function as a whole.

    7. Green leafy vegetables
    Why should leafy greens? Because chlorophyll content more clearly. Did you know that chlorophyll is able to absorb toxins in the body. In addition to cleaning, green vegetables can also provide stronger protection to the liver.

    8. avocado
    It would be better to consume avocado regularly, eating avocados can help your body produce glutathione, a liver needed to clean up harmful toxins.

    9. apple
    The content of pectin in apples can bind the metal and remove it from the body. So, frequently eating the fruit.

    10. olive oil
    Olive oil can release harmful toxins in the body through the unsaturated fatty acid content.

    11. Wheat Seed (Whole Grains)
    Rich in vitamin B complex, contain nutrients that can increase overall fat metabolism, liver function, and prevent liver congestion.

    12. Lemon & Lime
    Lemon fruit is able to handle the removal of toxins in the liver. Rich in vitamin C which helps the body in the synthesis of toxic material into substances that can be absorbed by water. Eat in the morning can stimulate liver function.

    13. Walnuts
    High content of amino acids in walnuts helps the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts also contain glutathione and omega 3 fatty acids that support liver cleansing.

    14. Turmeric
    It is a favorite herb for the liver. Try to add to the mix of lentils or vegetables to detox the liver of carcinogen.

    Tips How To Keep Liver To Stay Healthy

    Considering the importance of liver function, we must maintain a healthy liver. Because the liver with a variety of complex functions is very important for health of a person. Liver function neutralize and remove toxins, storing and supplying the body's energy, protecting the body from infection, and regulate cholesterol and vitamin and mineral supplies in the body.

    To keep your liver in good health always, here are some tips that you can do:

    Healthy Eating
    Unhealthy diet can lead to malnutrition or obesity, two conditions that can affect liver function. Eating a healthy and balanced diet will help keep your heart in good condition. It is better to fill your refrigerator with low-fat foods, high fiber foods, such as vegetables and fruits. Reduce foods with high sugar and salt content.

    Be careful with medications
    Drugs and certain supplements if not taken properly can harm the liver. Always follow the dosage instructions and doctor's advice to avoid drug interactions to avoid overdose.

    Safe sex.
    Hepatitis A, B and C is a liver disease that can be transmitted in a variety of ways, including sex without condoms. Practicing safe sex, for example, to avoid changing sexual partners will help reduce your chances of contracting hepatitis B and C.

    Maintain the cleanliness
    Hepatitis A is primarily spread by infected food lack of hygiene. Always consume food prepared correctly.

    Limit exposure to toxic chemicals
    Exposure to the gas coming out of the paint or other chemicals to make hard working liver detoxify your body. Should limit and avoid exposure to chemicals.

    Limit your intake of calories
    Excess calories in the form of carbohydrates can cause liver dysfunction and cause fat deposits in the liver that makes fatty liver. But it still needed body fat, so the levels should not exceed 30 percent of total calories a person, because it would harm the cardiovascular system. Calculate calorie limits you need. Remember, you need at least 15 calories per day for each pound of your weight.

    Beware of alcoholic beverages
    Liquor, beer and wine may have adverse effect on liver metabolism. Alcohol can lead to alcoholic hepatitis and hepatitis cirrhosis. People with liver disease should not drink alcohol at all.

    Try to avoid artificial sweeteners
    Artificial sweeteners are toxic to the liver and can cause hypoglycemia and fatigue. If you have to eat something sweet, choose fresh fruit, fruit that has been dried or honey.

    Tips How To Keep Healthy Eyes

    Eyes are a very important organ that must be maintained, Everyone wants healthy eyes, but most people do not realize the importance of maintaining eye health. Lots of eye disease can be minimized if you know how to care for your eyes since the early

    There are some tips you can do to keep healthy eyes:

    1. Check the eye every 12 months
    Untreated vision problems will grow worse, and wearing contact lenses or glasses are no longer suitable for you can cause vision problems, and headaches.

    2. Eat foods that are good for the eyes
    Foods that contain antioxidants (vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E) can prevent eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Source of antioxidants can be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A can be obtained from spinach and carrots. Vitamin A is also found in the liver and chicken eggs. Vitamin C found in oranges, broccoli, green peppers, sweet potatoes and sweet. Vitamin E is found in many green vegetables and peanut shells. Besides functioning mineral needed for the absorption of antioxidants. This mineral is composed of the mineral selenium contained in walnuts or almonds, bread, macaroni, cheese. and selenium-rich rice. And zinc minerals found in red meat and yougurt. It should be noted too much consumption of antioxidants can cause negative effects.

    3. If you work using a computer, adjust the room lighting. Arrange your room lighting not too bright and not too dim. Adjust the distance of the monitor to eye with a distance of 50-70 cm, and the location of the center of the monitor 20-23 cm below the eye.

    4. Do not use contact lenses or glasses when you are in front of the computer
    Using glasses or contact lenses when you are in front of the computer can reduce air flow around the eye, causing dry eyes and sore. If you have to wear glasses or contact lenses, eyeglasses or contact lenses make sure it fit and comfortable to your eyes.

    5. Rest your eyes
    Almost all people feel their eyes uncomfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due to eye blink 25% less than normal, which causes the eyes become tired. One thing to do is rest your eyes every 20-30 minutes, to turn away from the screen and focus on a distant object views.

    6. Avoid exchanging eye makeup and eye drops with another person
    Do not touch the tip of eye drops by hand.

    7. If you wear contact lenses, treat well
    Each time you use or release your contact lenses, rinse. You also need to replace the fluid, when you put in place when you sleep at night.

    8. Protect your eyes from the sun
    Exposure to sunlight can continually cause cataracts and macular degeneration. This is due to the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun penetrate the retina, causing eye damage. To prevent harmful UV rays, wear sunglasses designed specifically to protect the eyes when you're out in the sun for a long time. Glasses are generally provide UV protection up to 99% or 100%

    9. Use eye protection
    If you work with hazardous materials, wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from injury, damage, and blindness. Wear glasses or helmet mirror when you are riding a motorcycle. Certain sports such as tennis, hockey and swimming can also harm or risk of eye damage. Wear eye protection such as helmets and sports glasses, to protect you.

    7 Tips How To Keep Healthy Heart

    Having a healthy heart must be a dream for everyone. With a healthy heart, a healthy body as well. This is because the heart is an organ that is essential for our body. The heart pumps blood that contains nutrients to all organs of the body. Currently, heart disease do not know the age, young people can be affected by heart disease. For that reason, knowing what steps should be done in order to keep a healthy heart.

    Heart disease is still the leading cause of death for both women and men. One of the precautions that can be done is to avoid known risk factors and symptoms. Here are some things you can do to keep the heart in order to stay healthy:

    1. Keeping cholesterol

    Cholesterol is an important part of a healthy body producing cell membranes and some hormones. But if too much can increase the risk of heart disease and heart attacks koronen. LDL (bad cholesterol) is too much in the blood can form plaque in the arteries which makes it less flexible. If the arteries narrow, heart attack or stroke could occur.

    Saturated fats are easily transformed into "bad cholesterol" that the risk of coronary heart disease. You must observe. Leather poultry, red meat and pure milk contain a lot of saturated fat. Expand eat seafood rich in omega-3, and vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins. Choose low-fat milk.

    2. Stop Smoking

    Many studies show smoking is a major cause of coronary heart disease, because it can increase blood pressure and blood tends to clot. Smokers the risk of heart illness is 2-4 times greater than non-smokers. If after bypass surgery is still smoking, the risk of recurrent heart problems.

    3. Doing physical activity regularly

    Activities such as swimming, running, cycling, dancing or walking may help keep the heart healthy. According to the American Heart Association, people aged over 18 years should get 30 minutes of physical activity at least 5 days a week.

    4. Healthy and balanced eating patterns

    Proper diet is very important to keep the heart healthy. A healthy diet here has an emphasis on healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, and eating nuts like almonds, walnuts and pistachios every day.

    5. Consumption of fish 3 times a week

    Fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel have omega-3 fatty acids consumed 3 times a week is good for the fight against heart disease. The balance between omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 is a powerful combination for reducing heart disease.

    6. Keeping a healthy weight

    Having a healthy weight can help lower your risk of heart disease, even the slightest weight reduction helps lower the risk. Lose 10 percent of body weight significantly lowers blood pressure and risk of diabetes a risk factor for heart disease. Maintaining a healthy weight is to balance energy expenditure through exercise and daily activities with calories consumed.

    7. Measuring blood pressure regularly

    High blood pressure continuously for long periods can damage the heart and blood vessels. Mayo Clinic recommends adults to check blood pressure every 2 years. In addition it should be balanced with lifestyle changes such as arranging intake of sodium, regular physical activity and train yourself to do meditation and yoga as a way to manage stress well.

    Best Healthy Snacks To Keep Ideal Weight

    Ideally, healthy snacks should contain no more than 200 calories a day and have the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and fiber. Ximena Jimenez, a spokeswoman for Gans and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics outlined seven healthy snacks to maintain an ideal weight, as quoted by the Huffington Post.

    1. Yogurt & Strawberries
    Yogurt is a good source of protein and helps maintain your ideal body weight. Carbohydrates are the body's most rapidly used, and the protein helps the body to digest it slowly so the stomach feels full longer. Adding fruit such as strawberries and blueberries into plain yogurt, can also make you full longer.

    2. Bananas and Apples
    Bananas and apples are a good source of fiber and filling effect. Studies from the State University of Rio de Janeiro showed that women who ate three apples / bananas a day her weight will decrease more than those without.

    3. Canned tuna
    A can of tuna-rich protein contains only 90 calories. Tuna can be eaten as a snack with whole wheat bread with mustard topping. But keep in mind, buy canned tuna do not contain ingredients such as salt or seasonings. Observe the list of ingredients and nutritional information on the packaging value.

    4. Low-Fat Milk
    Milk is not right if it is classified as a snack. But this drink can be a substitute snack when your stomach feels hungry. Low-fat milk is rich in calcium and some studies suggest that calcium may accelerate metabolism. Want to taste better? Blend milk with your favorite fruits such as bananas or strawberries.

    5. Cottage Cheese
    Soft cheese with a sour taste made ​​from buffalo milk is a healthy snack as well as low in fat. You can eat 1/2 cup cottage cheese with a sprinkling of almonds. The combination of two of these foods provide plenty of fiber, protein and carbohydrates to the body.

    6. Grains Soup
    Beans soup, peas or long beans are a healthy snack alternative. This food is rich in protein and fiber to the diet.

    7. Edamame
    Edamame is a type of Japanese soy bean seeds are large and green. Soybeans contain a variety of nutrients that are healthy for the body. A half cup of edamame has been able to suffice the needs of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals in a day. You can eat it with roasted or boiled.

    Wednesday, February 19, 2014

    Healthy Snack Foods For Pregnant Women

    Pregnant women have a tendency to continue hungry, that is the purpose a snack. The important thing is to choose a healthy snack. Ideally, snacks are fruits or vegetables, such as oranges, tomatoes, and cucumbers. According to research, pregnant women are much snacking fruit and vegetables will make the baby more easily later eat fruit and vegetables.

    Here are healthy snack foods for pregnant women:

    1. Cashews
    Cashew nuts have a savory flavor and soft, perfect as a snack. Nutritional cashew nuts are also good because protein is needed to build the fetal cells. Besides also rich in iron to build red blood cells and muscle cells, cashew nuts are also rich in fiber which is good for avoiding constipation. However, do not be excessive consumption of just 1.5 tablespoons per day. Can be fried, but you should not use salt.

    2. Whole wheat bread
    A loaf of whole wheat bread contains 600 calories people eat. So, enough to meet the needs of additional calories during pregnancy. The bread is rich in magnesium helps to optimize absorption of calcium that can increase bone density and strengthen structures in the small in the womb. Whole wheat bread also contains nutrients zinc which would be useful in helping the growth of fetal cells. Wheat bread is best eaten the handfuls per day with a blend of cheese, garlic butter, and vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers.

    3. Eggs
    Eggs are rich in vitamin D and protein, and good for building endurance and helps the absorption of calcium. Eggs also contain vitamin A, B complex and a number of minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium. Consumption of eggs as a snack one item a day. Can be cooked by boiling or mixed with salad. Egg yolks can also be used as a salad dressing enjoyed with olive oil.

    4. Spinach
    Spinach is rich in fiber, protein, and iron. Eating spinach is rich in folic acid can prevent the fetus had spina bifida or neural tube abnormalities. Eat just one bowl per day.

    5. Sweet potato
    Indonesian food, the sweet potato, rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is useful for pregnant women for the growth of the body's cells and immune system of the fetus. Sweet potatoes are also rich in beta carotene which will be treated the body into vitamin A, and retinol-rich as one type of vitamin B. Consume enough of the grain size of the medium per day. How to cook can be baked or boiled.

    Choosing Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women

    Tip choosing healthy snacks for pregnant women:
    • Avoid foods or snacks low in fiber because it will cause constipation.
    • Choose foods with low carbohydrate levels if you have a tendency to high blood sugar levels.
    • Avoid foods that contain too much preservative and flavor enhancer because it can harm the growth and development of the fetus.
    • Choose healthy snacks and clean to reduce the danger of infection.
    • Make sure you eat a snack, mixed with the clean and perfectly ripe condition.

    How To Prevent Premature Aging, Healthy And Naturally

    Prevent premature aging with natural ingredients is highly recommended by experts. Because natural ingredients tend to be healthier and have no harmful side effects when used for long periods of time. Before we know how exactly how to appropriately prevent the signs of aging, it helps us to first identify the cause of things going on. Signs of aging such as wrinkles primarily driven by factors such as age, sun exposure, smoking, genetic, diet such as the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. All of these factors contribute to erode collagen and elastin. the fibers that keep the skin to remain smooth, elastic and smooth. 

    When analyzing the skin of 453 women from Autralia, Greece, and Sweden, the dermatologist found that healthy eating was not able to overcome a person's skin damage caused by smoking or unprotected skin from the sun.

    Here are tips on how to prevent premature aging in a healthy and naturally:

    1. Regular exercise

    By doing regular exercise one hour every day, we can get maximum results, especially for the skin. Because the pores of the skin will sweat which clears naturally. Another benefit is that it can improve blood circulation and also improve skin metabolism and blood.

    2. Drinking water

    The body needs at least 8 glasses of water every day. If we do not drink enough water, it will cause the skin effect looks scaly, dry, dull, and loses its elasticity.

    3. Healthy and balanced diet

    The food we eat also determines the health of the skin such as the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber and vitamins. They help expedite the process of metabolism and digestion and nourishes the skin. The impact is so broad as to cause effects on the liver which is also the blood to the skin edges.

    4. Stops smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages

    Both can be very dangerous considering the effects. Not only bad for the skin but for the health of the lungs, heart and brain nerve performance.
    Just wear cosmetics with natural ingredients
    Natural Cosmetics is actually a way to prevent premature aging that well anyway, because we avoid the skin from harmful ingredients in cosmetics artificial chemicals that are harmful to the skin.

    5. Adequate rest

    Adequate rest helps loosen stiff muscles during activity and relaunch our body's blood circulation. Someone who often stayed up late or lack of sleep usually have a pale countenance.

    6.Use Sunscreen

    Exposure to excessive sunlight and directly to the porters bia accelerate the skin aging process, both on the face and around the body. For the good of your skin, start the habit of applying sunscreen every day before traveling. The use of sunscreen can help prevent harmful light before it penetrates the skin. Many sunscreen products offer. There is a cream, lotion, spray or lip balm. There is also an SPF ranging from SPF 15 hinga SPF 100. Choose what best suits your needs.

    Top 10 Anti Aging Foods

    According to health experts, and nutrition, aging can be influenced by the food factor. According to health experts, and nutrition, aging can be influenced by the food factor. However, taking care of the outside as an anti-aging cream is not enough. You also need to change some habits, including improving diet. For that, here are kinds of food should be consumed to slow the aging process:

    1. Avocado
    Avocado is a source of healthy fats that can help lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Avocado is rich in vitamin E, and may help maintain healthy skin and prevent aging of the skin cells. Potassium content can prevent fluid buildup and high blood pressure.

    2. Berries
    Blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and black grapes, contain flavonoids compounds known as antioxidants. Flavonoids are useful to protect the body from damage by free radicals and the aging process.

    3. Walnuts
    Different types of nuts are a good source of minerals, particularly walnuts. Walnuts are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and selenium. Eating walnuts can improve digestion and immune function, and helps prevent the formation of skin cancer.

    4. Watermelon
    Meat and watermelon seeds will be full of nutrition. So, if you make watermelon juice, do not forget to participate include the seeds. Flesh watermelon contains vitamins A, B, and C, while the seeds contain selenium, essential fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin E. All compounds that protect against free radical damage, and help prevent aging process.

    5. Garlic
    Garlic is often used in a variety of skin and hair care products, as it serves as an antioxidant. The stronger the smell, the better the ability to fight aging. In addition, garlic can prevent the onset of heart disease, cancer, and lower cholesterol levels.

    6. Fish
    Fish oil contains Omega-3 high, which can improve your mood and keep you fit throughout the day. Salmon and tuna are two of the best kinds of fish for consumption.

    7. Tomatoes

    Red tomatoes contain large amounts of lycopene. Processed tomatoes are better than fresh tomatoes for lycopene can be more easily absorbed by the body after processing. Research shows that a diet rich in lycopene can reduce the risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, stomach, and bowel disease, and help delay the aging of skin.

    8. White water
    Drinking eight glasses of water a day is useful for removing toxins and leftover material from the body.

    9. Dark Chocolate
    The content of cocoa in dark chocolate fight the signs of aging. Rich in flavonoids, chocolate encourages circulation health, by lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and hypertension, boost your brainpower and prevent platelets from clumping together. Dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% improve skin and protect against sun damage.

    10. Ginger
    50 powerful antioxidant in ginger reduces the bad effects of free radicals in the body. Strong phenol compounds such as gingerols in ginger and shogaols reverse the aging process. Ginger also protects the skin from pollution and the sun's UV rays are responsible for skin blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles. Ginger also improves digestion, circulation and the heart of an effective remedy for joint pain, bacterial and viral infections.

    8 Healthy Habits for a Healthy Life

    Healthy habits should ideally be done regularly and have become part of everyday life. But it's not as easy as imagined. Many of us are hard to make ourselves run healthy habits as doctor recommended.

    Here are healthy habits that you can do:

    1. Eating healthy foods.
    Avoid junk food, fried foods, and other foods that provide a health risk to the body. Expand eating foods rich in fiber, vitamins, proteins, and other substances that are beneficial to the body. Junk food and fried foods typically have contributed in giving bad cholesterol in the body. Unlike the case with vegetables or fruits that actually makes you avoid cancer, coronary problems, and other diseases. Healthy food choices are numerous. So do not hesitate to eat to suit your taste.

    2. Regular exercise
    The benefits of exercise are no longer questioned in helping the body more healthy. Starting from uncontrolled weight, reduce stress, create confidence, strengthen muscles, and so on. Make exercise a daily habit menu.

    3. Maintaining healthy skin
    Healthy skin is not as important to you. When untreated skin, you get a slower aging effects. Keeping the skin can be from the outside and the inside. Care from the outside can be done by using a lotion or sunscreen when you are outdoors. Care from within, can by eating fruits and vegetables can maintain skin elasticity. Lots of vegetables and fruits have antioxidants that are beneficial as an "old-delaying substance".

    4. Having a regular bedtime
    Do not underestimate sleep. Resting the body is able to restore energy, as well as restoring damaged body cells. Sleep also boost immunity and heal the sick. The brain will be easier to concentrate when your body enough sleep. Lack of sleep causes weight gain, affects metabolism, lack of concentration, and mood worsens.

    5. Doing hobbies
    Hobbies help you release your mind from stress, as well as the effects emmberikan inner satisfaction. Thus, you can manage your emotions and not get stuck in a depression that damage the body.

    6. Maintain cleanliness
    Ideally, wash your hands with soap and water is done every time you touch a surface containing germs. But germs are everywhere and often we do not have time to find a sink for hand washing. Instead, use a hand sanitizer or wipes. Keep your little bottle of gel containing at least 60 percent alcohol.

    7. Breakfast
    A perfect morning breakfast containing milk components, protein and carbohydrates. If this is fulfilled, then the body will have the energy to start the day until noon while lowering the risk of obesity or diabetes. If you do not have time, could eat cereal. Do not forget to always read the nutrition label before buying. Cereals must contain about 5 grams of fiber and protein and no more than 200 calories. It would be great if you added a cup of coffee or yogurt.

    8. Brushing Teeth
    Brushing best done after each meal. But in reality, it is very difficult to do this. To replace it, chew sugarless gum after eating. Chewing sugarless gum will cause increased saliva production so it can clean food particles and neutralize the acid produced by bacteria food. Use a toothpick to clean between teeth. Bacteria often stood in between the teeth and under the gum line, where a toothbrush can not reach.

    7 Healthy Snack Foods For Kids

    There are lots of snacks which are favored by children, but select the healthy snacks for their growth. Your parents must be observant and watch out for kids snacks, as some snacks contain substances harmful to the body as well as for the development of children.

    The first thing parents should consider is a snack food manufacturer, because a lot of snack food manufacturers, especially the home-based industry, tend to ignore the quality and the rules on the use of hazardous substances that have been regulated by the government. Consider also kind of food that will be consumed, snack food should contain a variety of substances that are beneficial to the growth and development of your child.

    Here are some healthy snack foods that kids love:

    1. Yoghurt

    In addition to healthy and delicious, yogurt is packed with very higinies. Packaged in glass mini portable, yogurt is available in various flavors with fruit in them. Yogurt is rich in calcium and essential vitamins, minerals. Yogurt also has healthy bacteria which facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Yogurt itself contains two types of probiotics, namely lactobacillus and bifidobachterium. Nutrients that are found in yogurt is the reason why we need to eat. Role of yogurt are needed in healthy digestion, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and infections of the vagina. One more, for your children who are obese, yogurt can be one menu diet because it is believed to glut.

    2. Trail mix

    Trail mix is a combination of dried fruits, whole grains, nuts, and usually mixed with chocolate to serve as a snack. Dried fruits are usually used as the main ingredient are cranberries, raisins, apricots, apples, or candied orange peel. While nuts are a complementary that is almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, or cashews.

    With a wide range of foods that are mixed into one, making trail mix or gorp rich in protein and carbohydrates that are healthy for the body. Trail mix is sold in various versions and forms, it's an abundance of it will be its own uniqueness as a snack that is right for your child.

    3. Raisins

    Raisins are dried grapes and can eaten directly. Raisins are already known to the public in the 11th century AD, in Europe. The role of raisins for a healthy body, making it a favorite dry food many people in the world.

    Raisins are commonly used as a cooking ingredient is believed to be rich in fiber, iron, and vitamin B complex. Thus, in addition to aid digestion, raisins can also reduce the risk of anemia, and for children who have problems with weight gain, raisins can reliably resolve.

    4. Apple sauce

    Apparently, children are more enthusiastic to eat apple sauce instead of the actual fruit. And this is certainly a good news for you, because of the low sugar content applesauce will not adversely affect the health of children. To make things a little more interesting for children, you may be able to be creative by adding raisins, cinnamon and nuts in the apple syrup. Another great way to serve apple sauce, maybe you can encourage your child to enjoy in the form of ice lollies.

    5. Popcorn

    No need to worry about the salt and butter that are high on popcorn. Popcorn filled with fiber and whole grains, so that the benefits will be great for your child's health. Popcorn can be a suitable light snack any time of day. If your kids feel some popcorn too bland for them, you can add dried herbs, cinnamon or a little cheese in it.

    6. Fruits

    There is no reason for you to remove the fruit from the list of snacks that are delicious and healthy for children. Fruits contain a lot of nutrients and fiber. A variety of fruit such as apples, oranges, or you can apply avocado as a dessert at meal time. With nutrition conceived, and delicacy, your child may not refuse to eat it. Do not forget to creation fruit, like a salad so that children are more interested in eating it.

    7. Smoothies

    Smoothies seem very tempting in terms of taste and shape. Combined with a variety of other foods such as chocolate, nuts, and raisins, make smoothies more exciting to eat. Eits, do not stop there, as the benefits of fruit in general, smoothies are rich in fiber which can help with digestion. In addition smoothies can also be glut, it can give energy intake and stabilize blood sugar in the body

    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    Tips on Choosing Healthy Carbs

    Healthy Carbs, also called carbs with a low glycemic index because the process of changing into glucose more slowly. Excess healthy carb provide energy longer and do not cause sudden increases in blood sugar, contain fiber, vitamins, minerals higher. Healthy carbs is a source of good food for the body, both are in the process of dieting or not.

    Healthy Carbs sources:
    Brown rice, wheat, cassava, vegetables, whole grains, and some fruits are acidic or not too mature, such as papaya, banana, strawberries, pineapple, oranges, apples, etc..

    Food that we eat although not sweet can increase sugar levels in the body, such as carbohydrates. For that more, be carefully in choosing foods that contain carbs because also have an effect on your blood sugar.

    Here are tips on choosing healthy carbs:

    1. Choose carbohydrates that are made from wheat flour. Can whole wheat bread or oatmeal because it contains a lot of fiber and can lower cholesterol in the blood. For rice, choose brown rice, because it has more fiber.

    2. Reduce consumption of potatoes and replace it with a low-carbs vegetables such as carrots or spinach. you do not need to remove the potatoes from the menu, but limit your consumption. Although high carbohydrate content, potato contains healthy carbs.

    3. Increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fresh fruit taste more delicious and sweeter. Natural sweetness is more secure than the sweet taste of rice, pasta, noodles and other carbohydrate foods. By eating fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber needs, vitamins and minerals can be met in full.

    4. In order you quickly feel full longer, always add nuts in the diet. By eating carbs we are going to feel full longer. Order for us not eat too much carbs, Expand nuts in your diet. the protein content in the beans will also make full longer and certainly healthier than satisfied with carbohydrates.

    The Principle of Choosing Good Food For Babies

    Food is very determine in growth and in the form of baby immune system. Babies grow faster than adults, and in any growth requires adequate nutrition. Rapid growth requires extra nutrition and good food. Food should be healthy, fresh and rich in nutrients that can form the baby's body to be perfect.

    One should keep in mind that what is good for adults is not always good for the baby. Although the baby's body is similar to the adult body, but the physical systems they have not completely formed, so they need extra nutrients to meet the needs of growing cells and the immune system of infants.

    The principle of choosing good food for babies:

    1. In the first years, the baby's body digestive system yet strong. So the stomach can not digest the food, so it depends on the mother's milk. Mother's milk is baby food which is full of nutrients and rich in substance the baby's immune builder.

    2. Baby teeth will grow after 9 months of being born, until the time the baby depends on the mother's milk, and in some cases require a food supplement that has been formulated carefully.

    3. Milk contains a very complete nutrition to the baby until the baby can bite. Various vitamins, minerals, protein, and fat carbonhidrat greatly needed by the baby. It can we get from vegetables, eggs, and some animal foods. We must be careful in choosing which foods are good for our babies.

    4. In some cases where the mother's milk there is little or even none at all. Baby food will change drastically. There are a lot of baby food available in the market as a substitute for the lack of milk. foods are usually rich in vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients, but to get started we should consult a neonatologist or physician first. infant feeding depends on the age and weight of the baby, can also be combined with water and milk. The baby's body can not digest all the food we provide. So that, not all food may give to our babies, we must meet for our babies the food that contain nutrients that can support the growth and immunity.

    5. In the second year, most babies need full cream milk and cheese to absorb important vitamins and minerals. In some babies, cow's milk can cause allergies, we can replace it with goat's milk. Other foods that can cause allergies in infants is egg whites, peanuts, soybeans, fish, pears, these foods can cause allergies in the baby's body.

    6. The baby's body began to absorbing calcium that can support the growth of bones and teeth, thus giving calcium supplementation should not be forgotten, vitamin C and B complex helps the formation of the baby's immune system.

    7. When babies grow into toddlers, we can give nutrient-rich foods like chicken soup and green vegetable juices regularly to the baby. Do not forget the milk and other dairy products to meet calcium needs. Iron and folic acid to prevent anemia, a dangerous situation in which the baby's red blood deficiency drastically.

    8. Infants in the early growth requires extra calories, so foods rich in calories and carbohydrates are in need. Do not let your baby eat junk food and carbonated water and other cold drinks. Food and drinks can damage the baby's digestive system and does not provide any nutrition for infants. Coffee, tea, and alcohol are strictly forbidden for the baby. Snacks and sugary foods should also be limited though not eliminated altogether, because refined sugar is needed to produce energy for the body. We must use Zodium salt to prevent thyroid disease.

    9. When the baby has enough teeth, we can give rice, wheat and cereals. Nuts contain many nutrients needed by the baby.

    10. Expand the food was boiled than fried.

    11. Potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, and spinach greatly needed by the baby, we can boil it and destroy it before we give to our babies.

    Healthy Habits For Healthy Teeth

    Healthy habits can prevent tooth decay. Damage to the teeth is usually associated with the habit of eating foods that contain sugar, such as candy and similar. In fact, any foods that contain carbohydrates can create cavities. How to get rid of it? Therefore, you must diligently perform dental care and make healthy habits to maintain healthy teeth. 

    Here are the tips:

    1. Eating a healthy and balanced diet. Besides carbohydrates you also need extra nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that keep teeth and gums healthy.

    2. Give the lag time between meals and snacking. It helps the teeth to avoid always hit sour. Because after eating, acids are formed between 20-40 minutes.

    3. Drinks with added sugar such as juice, tea and coffee will form acid on the teeth. Limit drinking beverages with the added sugar. Including eating candy lollipop.

    4. If possible drink water containing fluoride. Water and fluoride will help clean and protect teeth.

    5. Do not let the baby for too long a bottle of milk. This habit will make your teeth too long exposed carbohydrates and damage baby teeth. Replace the contents of a bottle of milk with water, and get used to it drinking milk from a glass.

    6. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. However, if possible brush teeth after meals will help remove plaque that can create acid.

    7. For more healthy tooth surface, you can use dental floss every once or twice a day.

    8. Stop smoking. Tobacco increases the risk of tooth decay and other oral disorders even.

    9. And finally, diligently check your teeth to the dentist.

    How To Keep Healthy Gums

    Besides the teeth, gums also plays a very important role in terms of oral health as a whole. Dental hygiene is the best way to prevent gum disease and maintain healthy gums. Annual dental examination is important, but daily maintenance should also be considered to reduce the buildup of plaque and prevent gingivitis.

    Gum problems most frequently experienced by patients was swollen and bleeding. These symptoms can be a sign of gum disease or other diseases more dangerous. There are many factors that can cause gum problems such as tooth brushing mistakes, mistakes in the way of cleaning teeth, gum disease and so on.

    Here are some steps to keep your gums stay healthy:

    1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure you brush your teeth in the right way. If you do not know or do not understand the correct way of brushing teeth, immediately consult with your dentist.

    2. Clean teeth with fine threads every day. By cleaning up the rest of the food in between teeth and gums every day with a fine thread then you can as early as possible to prevent disruption of the gums and teeth. Yarn used to clean teeth can you get at a nearby pharmacy.

    3. Eat nutritious food. Nutritious foods here include vitamin C and calcium. Both of these substances are very useful for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

    4. Drink plenty of water. Drinking enough water after a meal will help clean up the remaining food residue on the teeth and gums. This will certainly reduce the amount of bacteria that live there.

    5. Say no to cigarettes. Quit smoking today also because smoking is not good for the health of your teeth and gums.

    6. Avoid foods that are too hot and cold. Foods that are too hot and too cold can damage the health of your teeth and gums. Moreover, you are currently having problems with the gums and teeth, warm food is the right choice.

    7. Relaxation. If you are stressed, any disease will arise and show up quickly, including diseases of the teeth and gums. This is because an increase in the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone will disrupt your body's normal system and provoke some dangerous diseases.

    Tips On Provide Healthy Snacks For Your Kids

    Snack for your child is as important as the main meal. Especially if he is often fussy while eating. Sometimes it can be a substitute snack main meal. In order for your child to stay healthy, consider a few important things in giving this snack.

    When the kids get hungry in between meals, it is important to ensure that there is the food quality is equally good and healthy to supply nutrients. Some of these things need to be considered in preparing a snack for your child:

    1. Snack time
    ything in sight. Offer cookies at regular times throughout the day, preferably several hours before eating. If hungry before a meal, give boiled vegetables or fruit for chitterlings.

    2. Should be enjoyed at home
    Snacks should be consumed at home. Do not get children to eat snacks while watching TV or doing other things because it will tend to eat more.

    3. Parents as examples
    Parents can be a good example for the children with nutritious snacks for themselves. Children will easily enjoy healthy snacks provided by parents to see examples.

    4. Provide healthy snack
    Provide healthy snacks in the fridge or pantry such as milk, yogurt, chopped fruit, nuts, bread, and breakfast cereals. Ensuring fresh fruit in season. Every time your child get to snack healthy food.

    5. Making your own
    Teach your children how to use a simple kitchen equipment to prepare healthy snacks such as milk shakes, grilled sandwiches and popcorn. Along with the development of age he will be more skilled at preparing their own healthy food.

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