Friday, January 31, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Stress In a Healthy Way

There are many ways you can do to get rid of stress one of them with adequate of your daily nutritional needs. Stress is a mental disorder that can be caused by many things. Stress is bad for health. In addition to increased levels of cortisol in the body, stress can also make your concentration impaired.

The symptoms of stress:

  •      Became irritable and angry with friends, family and colleagues.
  •      Acting aggressive and defensive
  •      Feeling constantly tired.
  •      Difficult concentration or forgetfulness.
  •      Palpitations or pounding heart.
  •      Tense muscles.
  •      Headaches, stomach and diarrhea.

Complications of stress

  •      High blood pressure and heart attacks.
  •      Mental illness, hysteria.
  •      Eating disorders such as loss of appetite or eating too much.
  •      Can not sleep (insomnia).
  •      Migraine / headache.
  •      Heartburn.
  •      Asthma attacks are more severe.
  •      Skin rash.

Causes of Stress

  •      Everyday life events both happy and sad like:
  •      Married or have children.
  •      Starting a new job, moving house, emigration.
  •      Losing a loved one either through death or divorce.
  •      Personal relationship problems.
  •    Schools and jobs that require a tight time schedule, and work with a boss or a hard and lack of understanding.
  •      Not healthy.
  •      Such an environment is too crowded, too many people or too much heat in the home or workplace.
  •      Financial issues such as debt and spending beyond capacity.
  •      Less confident, shy
  •      Too ambitious and aspiring too high.
  •      Negative feelings such as guilt and do not know how to solve, frustrating.
  •      Can not get along, lacking the support guys.
  •      Make a decision that could change his life or be forced to change the principle of private life.

Tips To Get Rid of Stress

  1. Measure your own ability. Learn to live with it and love yourself.
  2. Find the cause of negative feelings and learn to cope. Do not aggravate the problem and try to not ever give in to someone else even though you might be in the right.
  3. Plan for major changes in your life in the long term, and give yourself plenty of time for you to adjust from one to the other changes.
  4. Plan your time well. Make a list of what should be done according to priority.
  5. Make decisions carefully. Consider carefully in terms of good or bad before deciding anything.
  6. Let others come to think your problems. Tell your spouse, friend, supervisor or religious leaders. They might be able to help put your problems in accordance with the proportions and offers solutions to the useful.
  7. Build a good incentive system by many friends and have a happy family. They will always be with you in every difficulty. keep your health, eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise regularly.
  8. Plan time for recreation.
  9. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, aromatherapy, meditation or massage may be.
  10. Do not forget to exercise and start a healthy lifestyle to cope with prolonged stress.

Nutrition To Get Rid of Stress

Vitamin B Complex
Intake of vitamin B complex deficiency will worsen your mood when experiencing anxiety and depression. These vitamins keep the nervous system to function properly, keeping the digestive system, and energy production.
Sources of Vitamin B: whole grains, brown rice, milk, nuts, green vegetables, seafood, meat, eggs, and dried fruit.

Vitamin C
Consumption of Vitamin C regularly can help lower levels of stress hormones in the blood triggers and improve the immune system decreases due to stress.
Sources of Vitamin C: all types of citrus fruits and berries, strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwi, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower potatoes, peppers, and tomatoes.

Stress can drain magnesium levels in the body in large quantities. Magnesium deficiency causes muscle strains and cramps. Magnesium is needed to relax the muscles and also cope with the stress of injury.
Sources of Magnesium: whole grain cereals, nuts, sesame seeds, dried figs, and green vegetables.

Calcium is needed body to the nervous system and muscles to work properly. The body needs calcium in large quantities to cope with stress.
Sources of Calcium: skim milk, low-fat yogurt, cheese, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and fish.

People who are stressed often have low levels of zinc in the body. Zinc is needed by the body to boost the immune system and fight infection.
Sources of Zinc: oysters, red meat, nuts, sunflower seeds, egg yolks, milk, and wheat.

Copper is very useful to protect your immune system when you are exposed to stress.
Copper Sources: Meat, oysters, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

Potassium helps to keep the nervous system functioning properly during stress.
Potassium sources: low-fat milk, bananas, dried plums, and raisins.

Chromium is useful for controlling the level of cholesterol in the blood and helps protect the heart and blood circulation.
Sources of chromium: mushrooms and nuts, such as walnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds, and so on.

Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Iron will to carry oxygen throughout the body, to overcome fatigue and helps breathing steady.
Iron sources: soy, beans, shellfish, peaches, dark green vegetables, meat, and others.

Selenium works to protect the immune system and help produce and manage various kinds of hormones such as thyroid hormone.
Selenium Sources: legumes such as soybeans and peas, skinless chicken, low-fat dairy, fish, shrimp, crab, and sardines.

How To Get Rid of Keloid

Many people think keloid can not be eliminated, but the technological and medical developments already have a solution to get rid of keloid. Some of them you can try with consult a doctor. Medically, Keloids are usually not dangerous, but the disease may affect the appearance. Sun exposure during the first year after the keloid forms will cause the keloid becomes darker color, brown of the surrounding skin. This dark color may be permanent.

Keloids are scars that grow without control, after the skin heal from wounds. Keloid scar tissue is hard and brown sprout above the normal skin. Irregular shape and rapidly growing is nature of keloids. Unlike the scar tissue in general, keloids can not shrink or diminish over time. Keloids are rare in children and the elderly. Keloid easily occur in people who have dark skin but not influenced by gender. In some cases, keloids have a tendency inherited from parents to children aka hereditary factors.

Keloid can occur from skin wounds such as:
  • Pimple
  • Burns
  • Chickenpox
  • Ear piercings
  • Small scratches or tattoos
  • Surgical cutting and caesarean section
  • Former Wound infections
  • Vaccination injection site

Symptoms of Keloid

Keloid are raised and look shiny and dome-shaped, ranging in color from pink to red. Some keloids become quite large and unsightly. Aside from causing potential cosmetic problems, these exuberant scars tend to be itchy, tender, or even painful to the touch.

Tips To Get Rid of Keloid

See a dermatologist and discuss your options with the doctor. The doctor can recommend whether he thinks the best treatment to get rid of your keloids is to inject it with steroids, surgically remove it or use another method to get rid of your keloids.

1. Steroid injection
This method is best known in getting rid of keloids. With a series of injections with triamcinolone acetonida or other corticosteroids, can shrink the size of keloid. However, these injections are painful that need anesthesia. Once the anesthetic effect runs out, the pain can be excruciating.

2. Surgery
Surgery is not always the most appropriate solution. In patients with keloids, keloid surgery can actually cause more severe. Surgery must be combined with other treatments that are effective.

3. Radiation or Laser
Radiation can reduce keloid formation if it be done when it is in the healing wound. The pulsed-dye laser can be effective at flattening keloids and making them look less red. Treatment is safe and not very painful, but several treatment sessions may be needed. However, this procedure requires no small cost, and ineffective if done too late.

4. Silicon compress
For months, every day the wound was closed with plaster containing Compression material, usually silicon. After a certain time period, the size of the keloid will shrink.

5. Buy silastic gel and apply it to the keloid
These come in gel sheets, which you can cut to fit the size of the keloid and hold them in place with a tape that adheres to skin. This must be used regularly every day for several weeks or months and works to get rid of the keloids by flattening the raised skin.

How To Get Rid Of Hair Loss Naturally

Getting rid of hair loss do not have to be done through costly treatments in the salon. You can reduce effectively in a natural way. Causes of hair loss can be influenced by many factors, ranging from hormones up to other external factors. For some people, hair loss is a terrible thing, especially for women.

According to the survey nearly 50% of women experience hair loss, and hair loss average up to 50-100 strands per day. Imagine if it continues to happen, over time will inevitably lead to baldness. So it would be nice if we know more various causes of hair loss so we can find the best way to overcome it.

Causes of hair Loss

Hormone levels may change and unbalanced due to a case. For example, during pregnancy or after birth, usually women will experience hair loss. But you do not need to worry because it is very reasonable and just for a while.

If you are exposed to diseases such as typhoid and diabetes will also likely experience hair loss. This is normal because the body is very weak and do not functioning hormones optimally.

Excessive stress may experience psychological conditions such as weight loss and hair loss. Try to occasional refreshing amidst your busy life, so the body can return fresh and avoid stress.

Effect of Drug
The chemicals contained in drugs that you consume can also trigger hair loss. People who are taking antidepressants and high blood pressure drugs may become one such example.

Less nutrition
When the body does not get enough vitamins and minerals, it will have an effect on the hair, nails, and teeth. If you're on a diet, make sure you get enough protein and vitamins such as vitamin A, B, C, and E. You also need other minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. All the intake of vitamins, minerals, and protein can reduce hair loss while keeping the diet in order to keep it running well.

Hair Styling
Changing the hairstyle and often change hair color can affect the health of your hair. The use of Hair Dryer is also one of the factors that can cause hair loss.

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Hair Loss

Here are some natural remedies that you can use to get rid of hair loss:

Yoghurt. Yoghurt can also prevent hair loss. The use of yogurt regularly will also prevent rapid hair graying. The trick, use yogurt as a hair mask regularly every two weeks. And the result, the hair will be glowing.

Tea. Green tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial to protect hair from pollution exposure. Jasmine tea is beneficial in improving hair luster. This mint tea to soothe the scalp and eliminate fat and dandruff and relieving itching on the scalp. Brewed tea with hot water, then leave overnight. after that, tea water rubbed into the scalp. Do it a moment before shampooing.

Avocado. For dry hair because avocados are rich in fatty acids and nutrients. The trick, smash the avocado in a bowl, and stir until it becomes a thick paste. Then, rubbed on hair from roots to ends of hair. Then leave it for 20 minutes. After that, wash your hair using shampoo, then rinse.

Candlenut. Candlenut can repair and strengthen hair. Oil content in Candlenut, very good for the hair roots. Coarse crushed Candlenut and roasted. After that, mash until smooth through out the oil. Use Candlenut oil to cream bath, do it before shampooing, then rinse with fresh water use shampoo to wash it.

Shallots. Efficacy for preventing hair loss. Simply by eating red onions. Or eating pickled onions. It helps the hair, do not quickly fall out. or by rubbing the scalp with onion juice in the evening. Later in the morning, rinse your hair with a shampoo.

Apple vinegar. The content of alpha-acids hidroxy able to help clean up residue from pollution and dirt. So the hair becomes soft and shiny. Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of water. Use this mixture to rinse the hair during shampooing.

Eggs. Eggs are used as a hair conditioner. A high protein content help increase shimmer of hair. But the stench of eggs sometimes make a lot of people are reluctant to use it. There are ways to eliminate the fishy odor in eggs, using droplets of lemon juice into the beaten egg . Then applied to the hair as a mask.

Coconut Oil. The content of antioxidant in coconut oil is able to soften the hair dry and damaged cuticles so hair becomes shiny. The trick, three tablespoons of warm coconut oil, apply gently on hair, from roots to ends of hair. Then wrap your hair using a hot towel for 30 minutes. Then wash hair with shampoo and rinse with clean water.

How To Prevent Hair Loss

1. Simple maintenance
Maintain healthy hair no means of providing excessive care on the head. Naturally, the scalp was actually already set their own work in order to stay balanced. If the balance is disturbed, the scalp will overreact. For example, the head and the hair becomes oily. Use a shampoo that suits your head skin type.

2. Notice the hairstyles
Certain hairstyles have a certain effect for hair defense mechanisms. If someone is always with her hair in a tight ponytail style, it would be very damaging to the hair in the long term.

3. Nutritious foods
A good idea to increase the foods that contain omega fatty acids, vitamin C, biotin, protein, and iron. Food is good to add to your daily diet. The foods that contain these substances will strengthen and suspend hair.

4. Observe the condition of the hair
Condition of the hair needs to be monitored. In particular physical appearance, such as hair gets thinner, more brittle, or hair started falling out. If this happens, immediately consult a doctor as soon as possible.

5. Avoid stress
Put yourself in the position of stress can be bad for the hair. Therefore, avoid stress triggers damage to the hair. To stop the stress and worry over your hair loss, try some meditation and yoga classes. It teaches you how to relax, which can help calm the mind

Health Benefits and Nutrition Fact of Candlenut

Candlenut is a type of herb that has many benefits. Candlenut or Aleurites Mollucana. In addition to be a spices, Candlenut are included in Euphorbiaceae tribe can overcome various digestive problems such as bloody bowel movements, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain, constipation, fever, mouth sores, and toothache.

The herb known by western society as the Candleberry, Indian Walnut and Cadlenut, is now widespread in tropical regions. The plant height reaches about 15-25 feet. The leaves are pale green. Peanuts have a diameter of about 4-6 cm. Seeds contained in it has a protective coating that is very hard and contains a lot of oil, allowing it to be used as a candle.

In Japan, candlenut tree bark is researched and utilized for healing tumors, and research is still being developed. While in Indonesia and Malaysia, candlenut is transformed into a culinary spice flavor meals. Changing the food to be more delicious.

Nutrition Fact of Candlenut

In candlenut, many contained saponins, falvonoida, and polyphenols. Many researchers have proved that these components have a very big significance for health. The content of micronutrients contained in candlenut for example are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium is the dominant mineral in candle nut. It also contains iron, zinc, copper, and selenium, in small amounts.

Approximately 53 percent of the candlenut is fat. However, these fats are unsaturated fats that are not only able to reduce levels of LDL, but also prevent blood clots which cause heart attacks and strokes.

candlenut other essential ingredients are vitamins, folate and phytosterols that can damage forming enzyme of cholesterol in the liver, thus inhibiting the formation of cholesterol.

There are two types of protein in candlenut nut, the essential and nonessential amino acids. One function of the amino acid is an amino acid for growth as found in all tissues and form proteins and antibodies.

Nonessential amino acids that prominent in the candlenut, the glutamic acid and aspartic acid. The presence of glutamic acid gives a sense of pleasure in the tongue, so the candlenut, could be an alternative substitute flavoring dishes such as MSG.

Health Benefits of Candlenut

  1. The oil from the candlenut is an irritant and is used on the scalp to promote hair growth.
  2. The pulped seed kernels are used in poultices to relieve headaches, fevers, swollen joints and sores and ulcers on the skin.
  3. In Java the bark decoction is given for dysentery, while the hot leaves are used for headaches and gonorrhoea for which purposes they are applied topically to the body.
  4. The leaves and bark have been found to have antiviral and antibacterial properties, while the methanol extract of the leaves has hypolipidemic effects.
  5. The leaves have pain-killing properties believed to be due to their flavonoids content.
  6. The nuts from the tree may be used in cooking as a substitute for macadamia nuts, but should not be eaten raw as they contain saponins and other toxic substances.

 Candlenut culinary use

Candlenut mainly grown for its seeds; which after being processed is often used in Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine. In Java, candlenut is also used as a thick sauce that is eaten with vegetables and rice. Candlenut is similar in taste and texture with macadamia, which also has a similar oil content. Candlenut also burnt and mixed with pasta and salt to create spices typical of Hawaii, called inamona. Inamona are the main cooking spices to make a traditional Hawaiian poke.

How To Get Rid of Scabies Properly

There are various way to get rid of scabies. Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused small animals (mite) called Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites dig holes in the skin and cause intense itching in the area. Itching to be stronger especially when you sleep. Scabies is contagious and spreads rapidly through physical contact. Although drugs are given to kill of small animals, you will still experience an itching for a few weeks.

Scabies can be suffered by all people regardless of gender and age. However, the disease is more common in children and the poor as a problem of sanitation and hygiene. You should also be aware, that scabies can also be transmitted through clothing, or towels from patients with scabies.

Scabies does not have any harmful effects, but that obviously it makes you uncomfortable and embarrassed when forced to scratch the itching.

Symptoms of Scabies

Signs and symptoms of scabies include:
• Itching is often severe and usually worse at night
• Excavation skin can cause small bumps on the skin

Scabies is often found in:
• Among the finger
• In the armpit
• Around the waist
• Along the inside of the wrist
• inner elbow
• Feet
• Around breast
• Around the male genitalia
• Buttocks
• Knee
• shoulders

In children, the affected are:
• Scalp
• Faces
• Neck
• palms
• Feet

Causes of Scabies

Scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, the mite is round and has four pairs of legs. Sarcoptes females who are in the skin layer of the stratum corneum and lucidum make tunnels into the skin layers. Inside the tunnel is a female mites lay eggs and these eggs soon hatch into hypopi, the young Sarcoptes. Due to the female mite tunnels were excavated, and hypopi that eat cells in the skin layers so the patient experienced itching.

Treatment To Get Rid Of Scabies

For the treatment of scabies can use the scabies ointment or with herbal remedies. Several types of medications that can be used are as follows:

Permethrin. This is very much the ointment used to treat scabies. To use it, should be done before bed. As well as use immediately after bathing. Package directions or your doctor's instructions should be followed, but an application is usually sufficient to treat the infection.

Eurax, or Crotamiton. The ointment can be used to prevent the spread of scabies. This cream is used in body folds. For example, under the arms, between the toes, and groin area.

Sulfur ointment. There is some evidence that sulfur the ointment at 10% in petroleum jelly applied effectively. It is inexpensive and available without a prescription. It also has the advantage of being well tolerated in pregnant women and infants under two months of age.

Neem oil is considered very effective in the treatment of scabies although only preliminary scientific evidence that has not been confirmed. It is recommended for those who are sensitive to permethrin, which may cause irritation. Scabies mites, furthermore, has not become resistant to neem, so in persistent cases neem has been shown to be very effective.

Tea tree oil at 5%, it seems to be a viable solution for treatment. In one study, it was more effective than commercial medications against the scabies mite in an in vitro situation.

It is advisable to consult a doctor to get proper treatment.

How To Prevent Scabies

There is no vaccine available for scabies, also no proven causal risk factor. Therefore, the strategy focuses on preventing re-infection. All family and close contacts should be treated at the same time, even if asymptomatic. Cleaning the environment should occur simultaneously, because of the risk of reinfection. Therefore it is advisable to wash and hot iron all material (such as clothes, blankets and towels) that have been close to the scabies infestation.

Cleaning the environment should include:
  • Treatment of furniture and bedding.
  • Dust flooring, carpets and rugs.
  • Disinfection of surfaces and bathroom floors with a mop.
  • Cleaning the tub / shower after each use.
  • Daily wash new clothes are worn, towels and bedding in hot water and then drying high heat and / or steam ironing.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Athlete's Foot With Natural Way

There are many ways to get rid of athlete's foot naturally. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that develops in the moist areas between the fingers stiff and sometimes on other parts of your foot. Athlete's foot usually causes itching, stinging and burning. The disease is caused by a fungus, Trichophyton or Epidermophyton, the legs will form a smooth scales or itchy rash, rude and cause pain in between the toes. Even can also form a fluid-filled blisters.

Athlete's foot is contagious. It can spread rapidly from an infected person or from infected surfaces, such as towels, shows, socks, wet floors of pools and bathhouses.

Spread can be:
  • By direct contact with an infected individual. Here there is skin-to-skin contact.
  • By indirect contact with contaminated material like bedding, shoes, socks, clothing, wet surfaces at pools, baths, showers etc.

Symptoms of athlete's foot

There are several signs and symptoms of athlete's foot even if you can not have One of those:
• Itching, stinging and burning between the toes
• Itching, stinging and burning on the soles of the feet
• blisters that itch
• Peeling skin especially between fingers and feet
• Dryness of the skin of the lower leg or side
• thickened nails, brittle, rough, blackened or not located on its place

Causes of athlete's foot

A group of fungi called dermatophytes causes athlete's foot. These organisms grow on the outer surface of the skin. In response to the growth of this fungus, the base of the skin to produce more skin cells than usual. Then the cells are pushed to the surface of the skin so that the skin becomes thick and rough. The organisms that cause athlete's foot thrive in a moist environment.

Risk factors of athlete's foot

You have the risk of athlete's foot is greater if:
• Men
• Often wearing damp socks or tight shoes
• Share things with someone who is infected with fungus
• Frequently visiting public areas where infection can spread, such as locker rooms, saunas, swimming pools, public baths, etc.
• Having a weak immune system

Tips To Get Rid Of athlete's foot Naturally

Rubbing alcohol is used for a number of things so it shouldn't come as a surprise that it can be used for treating athletes foot. Just dilute a dab of rubbing alcohol with water and soak a cotton ball with it. You will want to apply the rubbing alcohol soaked cotton ball to the infected area of the foot and allow it to dry. Try this rubbing alcohol remedy. It is cheaper than over-the-counter or prescription medications and most of us already have rubbing alcohol in our medicine cabinets.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera can be used for all sorts of ailments. This simple yet effective treatment can really work in soothing the problems caused by athletes foot. Just apply Aloe Vera twice a day to the infected area of your foot.

Apple Cider Vinegar
For athletes foot you will want to use apple cider vinegar because it isn't as strong as regular white vinegar. Just soak your foot in a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water for 10 minutes every day for up to 10 days or until the symptoms disappear. Diluted apple cider vinegar will relieve the itching and peeling caused by athletes foot. You can also soak a cotton ball in the vinegar, apply it to the infected area of the foot and allow to dry. Vinegar has anti fungal properties that kills the fungus and prevents athletes foot from returning.

Baking Soda
Baking soda can work wonders for a lot of different ailments. Soak your feet in a solution of baking soda and water for at least a half hour every day. Another effective way to use baking soda for athletes foot is by sprinkling dry baking soda on your feet and in your shoes. By doing this, the baking soda soaks up the perspiration and keeps your feet dry.

Garlic Powder
Sprinkle a little bit of garlic powder on the infected area of your foot twice a day. You can also wash your feet with garlic juice.

Rub raw honey on the infected foot and keep it on overnight. Don't forget to wear socks to protect your bed linens.

Onion Juice
This remedy sounds gross but has proven to be very effective. Apply onion juice with a cotton ball or paper towel twice a day to the infected foot

Consult your doctor if this is the first time you've had athlete's foot or if the symptoms persist or worsen.

How To Prevent athlete's foot

These tips can help you avoid athlete's foot or overcome the symptoms if the infection occurs:

• Keep your feet stay dry, especially between the toes
• Use natural materials that do not cause the moisture in the feet, such as cotton or wool
• Change socks regularly
• Use shoes that have air flow and light
• Provide a replacement shoes
• Protect your feet while in a public place
• Use anti-fungal powder
• Do not borrow from each other shoes

Star Fruit Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Many benefits can be obtained from the star fruit. Star fruit (Averrhoa Carambola) has efficacy as an antipyretic and expectorant, so it can be used for treating coughs in children. The fruits that contain lots of vitamin C has its benefits as anti inflammation, analgesic, and a diuretic, so it is good for healing coughs, ulcers, sore throat, a fever, to overcome the problem of diabetes, and cholesterol. Its vitamin C content is high also good to eat cancer patients. Roots starfruit also believed to cure headaches and joint pain. While the leaves can be used to treat stomach ulcers, purulent skin inflammations and boils

Despite many benefits, for people with kidney disease should be careful with this fruit because it contains a lot of oxalic acid that is harmful to them.

Nutrition Fact Of Star Fruits

Star fruit is one of the very low calorie tropical fruits. 100 g fruit just provides 31 calories, which is much lower than than any other popular tropical fruits. Nonetheless, it has an impressive list of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins required for well-being.

Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
128 kJ
6.73 g
3.98 g
Dietary fiber
2.8 g
0.33 g
1.04 g
lutein and zeaxanthin66 μg
Thiamine0.014 mg
Riboflavin0.016 mg
Niacin0.367 mg
Pantothenic acid0.391 mg
Vitamin B60.017 mg
Folate12 μg
Choline7.6 mg
Vitamin C34.4 mg
Vitamin E0.15 mg
Calcium3 mg
Iron0.08 mg
Magnesium10 mg
Manganese0.037 mg
Phosphorus12 mg
Potassium133 mg 
Sodium2 mg
Zinc0.12 mg 

Health Benefits Of Star Fruit

Sources of vitamins A and C
As a source of vitamins, especially vitamin A and C, starfruit effective as an antioxidant in the fight against free radicals. The fruit is also able to help prevent the spread of cancer cells, increase endurance and prevent canker sores.

Lowering cholesterol levels
Starfruit contains pectin that is able to bind cholesterol and bile acids contained preformance intestines and helps expenditures. In addition, this fruit can also reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Rich in fiber to improve digestion
High fiber content, making starfruit useful to improve digestion. Star fruit contains insoluble dietary fiber. Insoluble dietary fiber plays an important role in keeping the digestive system and lowers blood cholesterol. High levels of potassium and low sodium, also suitable as a hypertension drug. For those who are overweight, starfruit good choice because it contains low calories.

Treating cough
Flowers have a sweet starfruit As with antipyretic and expectorant properties. Flowers sweet starfruit can be used for treating coughs in children. starfruit tree roots can also be used for headaches and joint pain (arthritis). If there is a star fruit in the market, do not hesitate to buy.

Anti-microbial ingredients
Star fruit contains an antimicrobial agent against certain types of diseases such as microbial Bacillus cereus, E. coli, Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus.

Sources of vitamin B
Star fruit contains vitamin B, especially vitamin B5 (pantotenik acid) that help lower cholesterol in the blood, and vitamin B9 (folic acid), which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Pay Attention

Star fruit is one of the plant sources that contain highest concentration of oxalic acid; 100 g of fresh fruit contains 50,000-95,800 ppm of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid has been considered as anti-nutrient compound as it interferes with absorption and metabolism of several natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium etc. It also predispose to a condition known as oxaluria, which leads to the formation of oxalate kidney stones. In some people with impaired kidney function, its consumption would result in renal failure and may cause death. People with known kidney disease should avoid eating star fruit.

Further, Star fruit, like grapefruit, has been found to interact adversely with many drugs. Some of the compounds in carambola irreversibly inhibit cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzymes (3A4) in the intestines and liver. This resulting increase in drug levels leads to adverse effects and/or toxicity. It is therefore, strongly advised to consult your healthcare practitioner before eating star fruit or its products if taking any kind of pharmaceutical drugs.

How To Get Rid Of Sinusitis Naturally

There are several natural ways to get rid of sinusitis. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus cavities, The symptoms that often experienced by sufferers is a chronic runny nose, too frequent sneezing, nasal congestion accompanied by dizziness.

Infection of the sinus will cause congestion of the mucous membranes resulting in swelling and inflammation. Swelling occurs because of obstruction or blockage of air and mucus on the mucous membranes.

Causes of Sinusitis

A common cause of sinusitis is allergic to inhalants, such as pollen, mold, dust mites, animal fur. Other causes could be due to exposure to various chemicals, air pollution, cigarette smoke and the effects due to exposure to chlorine.

Sinusitis is also caused by a blockage (obstruction) in one small bone-shaped nasal septum deviation and secretion of mucus in the nasal cavity.

If sinusitis lasts less than four weeks, it is an acute sinusitis. Treatment of acute sinusitis is based on the cause. In many cases, home treatment is needed. Chronic sinusitis, recurrent or lasts more than 12 weeks, can be caused by upper respiratory tract infections, yeast allergy, anatomic septal deviation or other conditions.

The Symptoms of Sinusitis

Acute sinusitis The symptoms often include:
• Mucus thick, yellow or greenish from the nose or down the back of the throat
• Impaired breathing or nasal congestion, causing difficulty breathing through the nose
• Itching in the ceiling direction and teeth
• Decreased ability to smell and taste
• Cough, which will be worse at night

Signs and other symptoms include:
• Ear pain
• Sore throat
• Bad breath (halitosis)
• Fatigue
• Fast furious
• Fever
• Nausea

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Sinusitis Naturally

Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil contains cineole, a substance that can fight sinus infections. Eucalyptus oil can be taken with a dose of 200 mg each three times a day. This can help speed recovery in patients with acute sinusitis. If eucalyptus oil is used in a steam inhalation, it can help relieve nasal congestion. Besides eucalyptus oil also has antibacterial properties and acts as an expectorant; help clear mucus from the respiratory tract.

Essential oils (monoterpenes)
If you have sinusitis or sinus infections, use monoterpenes essential oil which have been shown to help fight the symptoms of sinusitis. Monoterpenes essential oil is actually a combination of essential oils that help to treat respiratory diseases and typically include eucalyptus oil, citrus and pine.

Radish can help in dissolving mucus thin and to reduce clogging due to a sinus infection. The content of sulfur compounds in the form of radish that can kill germs that cause sinusitis while nettle contains natural antihistamines and anti-inflammatories (including quercetin) that opens the bronchial tubes and the narrowing of the nasal passages, relieve nasal allergies and other sinus symptoms.

Overcoming sinusitis with special diet that reduces the production of mucus like drinking orange juice and eating oranges. In addition, other foods that contain lots of vitamin C will help to build the immune system against infection. When suffering from sinusitis, try to drink plenty of water every day (at least 8 glasses) so that fluid or mucus in the sinus cavities do not thicken.

Salt Water
Use the brine (salt water) to wash the nose to keep the nasal passages open and remove the mucus and bacteria from the nose. Gargling with warm salt water can also help reduce sinusitis. In addition, wash with warm water. Avoid bathing with very cold water because it will aggravate your sinusitis.

Some of the Natural Ways To Treat Sinusitis

1. Try the Hot Drinks.
One of the best ways to stop sinusitis is to drink lots of black tea, green tea and plants that do not contain caffeine. Or try eating a hearty chicken soup every day. Drink large quantities. Warm liquids can help moisturize the mucous membranes, speeding up the movement of cilia and mucus out of the sinus accelerate faster. For that, you should not drink coffee beforehand.

2. Warm water compress to the face.
Do this about 3 times a day every 5 minutes. Dip a small towel in warm water, then wipe the lower face and between the eyes, it can help to improve circulation around the sinus, and can also help speed up the movement of cilia.

3. Try Aromatherapy.
To help open the airways and sinus, put a few drops of eucalyptus oil or eucalyptus oil can also face into the warm water, then pull the steam and remove. The use of Vick's VapoRub also effective. Give a little on the skin under the nose. Other aromatherapy that also serves as a release of breath including horseradish, Japanese wasabi mustard.

4. Trying to do a higher head position while you sleep.
With higher lift your head with one or two pillows, can help clear your sinuses and upper airway open while you sleep.

5. Keep Your Bedroom Dust Free.
Dust mites can cause weakness and mucous membranes, especially when you sleep and your cilia are resting. In bed, remove wall carpet, fabric folds. Carpets should be washed every 6 weeks. Clean the dust from the bed as possible. Clean the household at least once every week.

6. Getting enough sleep.
If you suffer from sinusitis. You will need adequate rest. Turn off the phone, make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible so you can sleep soundly. Instead, read a book you like, lean back and enjoy your time. Relaxation can make your body healthy.

How To Prevent Sinusitis

Take the following steps to reduce the risk of acute sinusitis:
• Avoid upper respiratory tract infection. Reduce contact with people who have colds. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially before eating.
• Be careful treat your allergies. Work with your doctor to keep symptoms under control.
• Avoid cigarette smoke and air pollution. Tobacco smoke or other air pollution can irritate and cause inflammation of the lungs and airways.
• Use a humidifier. If the air in your home dry, as if the heat at home, using a humidifier can help prevent sinusitis. Make sure the humidifier clean and free of mildew on a regular basis.

Eggs Nutrition Fact and Health Benefits

As we know eggs have many nutrients and benefits that required by the body. Eggs as a protein source has many advantages, among others, the most complete amino acid content than other foods such as fish, meat, chicken, tofu, tempeh, etc.. Eggs have a delicious flavor so loved by many people. Eggs also serves in a variety of food processing. In addition, egg, including food sources of protein that are relatively inexpensive and easy to find. Almost all people need the eggs.

Nutritionists said, breakfast with boiled eggs before the kids go to school can help them increase energy and improve their brain power. Unborn baby has an IQ higher when mothers regularly consume two eggs daily intake.

Nutrition Fact of Eggs

Nutrient content of eggs is known high, especially protein which reached 15%. Besides protein, eggs other content including various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and good fats. Egg Nutrition is diverse, making it on the list of super foods.

The study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2000) showed that those who ate at least four eggs per week had lower cholesterol levels than those who only eat one egg per week or who do not eat eggs at all.

The study, conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health shows the content of cholesterol in eggs does not have a negative impact on blood cholesterol levels in healthy people.

Besides the content of other eggs are good for health such as vitamin A, D, E and some vitamin B. The minerals in it such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus potassium, iron, zinc and selenium. Egg yolks are rich in carbohydrates, making it a good food to meet energy needs. Carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, help maintain eye health.

There are also eggs from chickens fed special. This egg contains extra nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids and some nutrients such as vitamin E and lutein were higher.
Hard boiled chicken egg Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
647 kJ
1.12 g
10.6 g
12.6 g

75 g
Vitamin A equiv.149 μg
Thiamine0.066 mg
Riboflavin0.5 mg
Pantothenic acid1.4 mg
Folate44 μg
Vitamin B121.11 μg
Choline294 mg
Vitamin D87 IU
Vitamin E1.03 mg
Calcium50 mg
Iron1.2 mg 
Magnesium10 mg
Phosphorus172 mg
Potassium126 mg
Zinc1.0 mg
424 mg

Health Benefits of Eggs

Here is the Important Benefits Of Eggs you need to know:

1. Improve Concentration
Good nutrition affects a child's ability to learn. Research has shown that eating a balanced breakfast that includes eggs may increase the child's concentration, Analysis, Reading Skills, Behaviour, Better Exam Results.

2. Maintaining a Healthy Body
Eggs are the best source of complete protein containing amino acids that are most important to the human body. Eggs help control calorie absorption rate in the body. When managing your weight, Eggs are the food choices that provide the maximum amount of nutrients. Eggs are a great nutritional value for those trying to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

3. Brain Development
Choline, a substance that is found in egg yolks, stimulates brain development and function. Because of the importance of brain development, but the child's is not produced by the body in sufficient quantities, regular consumption continued to be provided as a diet. Two large eggs for adults as recommended daily intake.

4. Improve Vision Acuity
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in egg yolks and is believed to help improve vision and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 65 years), as it can prevent the risk of cataracts.

5. Prevent Blood Clots
Eating eggs may help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke to prevent blood clots. An important antioxidant called selenium found in eggs that inhibit clot formation in certain doses.

6. Healthy Pregnancy
Choline is an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250 milligrams of choline, or roughly half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant and lactating women.

7. Strengthen Bones and Immune
Eggs are an important source of vitamin D, which is important in strengthening bones and boost immunity.

8. Maintain Healthy Hair and Skin Healthy
Eggs contain protein and sulfur together to help in the development of hair and skin health.

9. Prevent Breast Cancer
A study found that women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week had a 44% lower risk of breast cancer.

Pear Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Pear has much benefit for health. Most of those who consume this fruit because fruit is soft texture and sweet taste. But you should know that pear is rich in fiber, antioxidants and nutrients that are fitting for just snacking but still healthy.

Pear are an excellent source of natural fiber which is good for your heart. It is observed that the fiber in pears can lower cholesterol in the body. Even this miraculous fruit may reduce the risk of stroke by 50 percent.

In terms of health, pears are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Additionally, pears also contain potassium, calcium, vitamin A, sugar, and protein. The fiber contained in a pear insoluble fiber, which means that the pear has a good efficacy as a purgative. Stone cells found in the flesh of pears to reduce polyps in the colon, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer. Most of the content of vitamin C and fiber, pears are the fruit skin. In addition it is also said a pear is beneficial to reduce the inflammation of the mucous membranes, colitis, gallbladder disorders, arthritis, and gout.

Pears, which belong to the genus Pyrus, is a plant that grows in many parts of the world, from the coast to temperate climates, from western Europe to northern Africa and Asia.

There are 30 species of pear, Pyrus communis include, Pyrus nivalis, and Pyrus salicifolia. Pears and apples are two related plants, so some fruit species is sometimes difficult to distinguish. But in fact they can be distinguished easily. The meat has a pear stone cells, whereas apple. If apple can float in the water, pears will sink.

Nutrition Fact of Pear

Pear fruit is one of the very low calorie fruits. Pear contain good quantities of vitamin C. Fresh fruits provide about 7% of RDA per 100 g. Pear also is moderate sources of antioxidant flavonoids phyto-nutrients such as beta-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin. These compounds, along with vitamin C and A, help the body protected from harmful free radicals. The fruit is a good source of minerals such as copper, iron, potassium, manganese and magnesium as well as B-complex vitamins such as folates, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6).
Pears Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
239 kJ
15.23 g
9.75 g
Dietary fiber
3.1 g
0.14 g
0.36 g
Thiamine0.012 mg 
Riboflavin0.026 mg
Niacin0.161 mg
Pantothenic acid0.049 mg
Vitamin B60.029 mg
Folate7 μg
Choline5.1 mg
Vitamin C4.3 mg
Vitamin E0.12 mg
Vitamin K4.4 μg
Calcium9 mg
Iron0.18 mg
Magnesium7 mg
Manganese0.048 mg
Phosphorus12 mg 
Potassium116 mg
Sodium1 mg
Zinc0.1 mg

Pear Health Benefits

Here are some benefits of pear you must know:

1. Soothes digestion. Pectin and fiber in pears helps stop diarrhea and tannins can soothe an irritated digestive tract.

2. Keeps you hydrated. Pears are water-rich fruits can meet your fluid intake in the body.

3. Lowering cholesterol. Pear has a high pectin content (higher than apple). That's what makes it effective for reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Pectin absorbs fat in the intestines before they are absorbed through the blood stream.

4. Boost the immune system. Pears contain many vitamins like A, K, C, B2, calcium, B3, B6, minerals, magnesium, potassium, and copper. Thus, the pear is great for keeping the immune system.

5. Fruit hypoallergenic. For those of you who have problems with food sensitivities, pear fruit is hypoallergenic, which has no side effects for people with certain allergies.

6. Prevent cancer. Hydroxycinnamic acid content found in pears can prevent stomach cancer and lung cancer.

7. Against Alzheimer's. According to recent research from Cornell University, pear skin antioxidant quercetin to fight Alzheimer's disease. So, should you eat a pear with the skin.

8. Prevent Osteoporosis. Pears contain boron that the body needs to maintain calcium, which can help prevent osteoporosis.

9. Good for People with Diabetes. Besides high in fiber, pears also have a fairly low glycemic index, so it is a safe snack for people who suffer from this diabetes. This fruit able to prevent spikes in blood sugar and help control blood glucose levels.

Pears are popular in the form of fresh, canned, juice, or dried. Pear can also be made in the form of jelly or jam, usually mixed with other fruits. Pear can be mature at room temperature, it will even mature faster if placed near a banana. Cooling in the refrigerator will slow down the ripening process.

Eggplant Benefits And Nutrition Fact You Must Know

Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is rich in benefits. Plants that came from India can be easily found around us. Besides its high fiber and rich in vitamins B, eggplant also contains minerals such as magnesium and manganese. Color purple eggplant contains anthocyanins that can prevent high blood pressure and hepatosis (vitamin E deficiency disease). Anthocyanins can also improve vision at night. Eggplant is also beneficial to reduce fat and cholesterol and lower the blood sugar in our body. Eggplant extracts can inhibit the enzyme that cause of type 2 diabetes.

In many countries, the eggplant is often used as traditional medicine for various diseases such as nervous, nervous spasms and convulsions due to content of strychnine, scopolamine, scopoletin, and skoparon present in eggplant fruit. In addition, the eggplant is also used to treat epilepsy.

These vegetables can also treat diseases such as measles, chicken pox, alcohol dependence and burns. Eggplant is dried in Korea is often used to treat diseases such as rheumatism, lumbago and stiff hips.

Nutrition Fact of Eggplant

Eggplant is very low in calories and fats but rich in soluble fiber content. It contains good amounts of many essential B-complex groups of vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (B3). These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish and required for fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Further, this vegetable is an also good source of minerals like manganese, copper, iron and potassium. Manganese is used as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Potassium is an important intracellular electrolyte helps counter the hypertension effects of sodium.

Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
104 kJ
5.88 g
3.53 g
Dietary fiber
3 g
0.18 g
0.98 g
Thiamine0.039 mg
Riboflavin0.037 mg
Niacin0.649 mg
Pantothenic acid0.281 mg
Vitamin B60.084 mg
Folate22 μg
Vitamin C2.2 mg
Vitamin E0.3 mg
Vitamin K3.5 μg
Calcium9 mg
Iron0.23 mg
Magnesium14 mg
Manganese0.232 mg
Phosphorus24 mg
Potassium229 mg
Zinc0.16 mg

Health Benefits of Eggplant

1. Lowering tense nerves
The content of scopoletin and scoparone contained in eggplant believed to reduce the psychological shock and reduce stress. Besides eggplant also can prevent epilepsy and other causes of stress.

2. Preventing Cancer Risk
According to a study in Japan, proving that eggplant is one of the vegetables that can prevent cancer risk. This is caused by the content of inhibitors in these vegetables.

3. Prevent Atherosclerosis
Based on the results of experiments conducted on rabbits, that rabbits given menunjukankan eggplant continuously proven to reduce fat in their arteries so as to avoid the risk of atherosclerosis.

4. Lowers Risk of Heart Attack
Because fiber content, beta carotene and anti-oxidants that high makes eggplant, becoming one of the plants that can prevent someone from having a heart attack when consumed regularly.

5. Lowering Hypertension
Eggplant has a degree or amount of potassium is quite high at around 217mg / 100gram. Potassium content is high enough to effectively prevent hypertension.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Tonsillitis Naturally

Inflammation of the tonsils which left untreated can lead to various complications, can even interfere with child development. Then how to get rid of tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils so the tonsils become swollen, red, softened and has white spots on its surface. The swelling is caused by either a viral or bacterial infection.

Tonsils are lymph tissue located in the right and left side of the esophagus. This organ is part of the immune system. Therefore, not all cases of inflammation of the tonsils need to be removed.

Causes of Tonsillitis

Most cases are caused by a virus and will only require treatment of sore throat remedies that can be bought over the counter. Bacteria-caused tonsillitis, however, is treated with prescribed antibiotic medication to reduce the risk for further complications. Tonsillitis most often affects children whose tonsils are responsible for fighting infections. This is also true because as we age, our tonsils become less active. Rare cases have been diagnosed with fungi or parasites being the cause. This generally takes place in persons with weakened immune systems.

That causes inflammation of the tonsils is streptokokuks bacterial infection. However, other possible causes due to virus infection. Infection can occur in the throat so stuck and cause tonsillitis. The cause is the pattern of other small balance between food or drink between hot and cold is not balanced, because people tend to consume instant food and cold.

Symptoms of Tonsilitis

Symptoms of tonsillitis include severe sore throat (which may be experienced as referred pain to the ears), painful / difficult swallowing, coughing, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), fever and chills. Tonsillitis is characterized by signs of red, swollen tonsils which may have a purulent exudative coating of white patches (ie pus). Swelling of the eyes, face and neck can occur.

It is also important to understand that the symptoms may be experienced differently for each person. Cases caused by bacteria is often followed by a skin rash and a flushed face. Inflammation of the tonsils caused by a virus will develop flu-like symptoms such as a runny nose or aches and pains throughout the body. Although the infection would not heal immediately, tonsillitis symptoms usually improve 2 or 3 days after treatment begins.

Home Remedies To Get rid of Tonsillitis Naturally

1. Salt and Water - This is the most common home remedy for tonsillitis to gargle with salt added to warm water.

2. Vegetable juice - juice of vegetables like carrots, cucumber and beet is the most effective way to treat tonsillitis. You can consume the juice separately or as a mixture.

3. Lemon and honey - Mix lemon juice with honey prepared in hot water is a good remedy to relieve pain and throat infections. You can also add a little salt in the mixture.

4. Milk - Milk is a recommended home remedy for treating tonsil infections. It is also advised to add turmeric powder and pepper powder in milk before consumption.

5. Turmeric - The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that are shown by turmeric, it is advisable to prepare a mixture of turmeric roots in hot water and use it smeared around my throat.

6. Dried figs - Stewed figs are quite effective in reducing pain and violence caused by tonsillitis. You must be mashed figs and consume it with a tablespoon of honey added.

7. Garlic and Ginger - or a mixture of onion juice and ginger is considered as the best home remedies for various problems and tonsillitis is one of them. You can use this mixture to rinse and reduce pain in the throat

Medication To Get rid of Tonsillitis

1. In most people, the infection caused by the virus only needs to be treated with paracetamol to reduce fever. Pain relievers may also be useful for reducing pain.

2. Tonsillitis caused by bacteria may need to be treated with antibiotics (such as penicillin or erythromycin, if allergic to penicillin). If your child gets antibiotics, it is important to take the medicine until completion so that the bacteria actually destroyed and not become resistant to the drug.

3. Surgery to remove tonsils only when tonsillitis often recurrent or chronic, does not respond to treatment or cause serious complications. Removal of tonsils is not a bad effect on the body's overall immunity. However, this surgery are now relatively rare.

Potatoes Benefits And Nutrition Fact You Must Know

As one of the main sources of carbohydrates, potato (Solanum tuberosum) also has many health benefits. Potatoes have a lot of nutrients. One of them are potassium, vitamin C. Potatoes also contain several other vitamins such as vitamin B6, which plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of proteins. Vitamin B6 also plays a role in the metabolism of energy derived from carbohydrates.

But in addition some of the benefits above, potatoes also contain solanine, sort of substance which when entered into the body will cause nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. Clean potatoes before further processed and cooked with high heat is a step that can be done to clear the contents of solanine

There are three types of potatoes, that is yellow potatoes, white potatoes, and red potatoes. This classification based on skin color and flesh level. Potato has yellow skin and yellow flesh tubers, white potato tubers have white skin and flesh, and red potatoes have red color and yellow flesh. But the three types of potatoes, the most preferred type is yellow potato because it has a pleasant taste, savory, and tender.

Potato is a principal food in Europe, despite early comes from South America. potatoes can be cooked in many different ways: fried, boiled, grilled, served with meat and vegetables, or as a cake mix.

Nutrition Fact Of Potatoes

Potatoes are very good natural sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber that good for digestion. Potatoes contain vitamins and minerals, as well as all kinds of phytochemicals, such as carotenoids and polyphenols. Sized potatoes 150 g (5.3 oz) potato with the skin, giving 27 mg of vitamin C (45% of the Daily Value), 620 mg of potassium (18%), 0.2 mg vitamin B6 (10%) and tracking how thiamin, riboflavin , folate, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Fiber contents of potato with skin (2 g) is equivalent to a lot of whole wheat bread, pasta, and cereals.

Nutritional value per 100 g based on USDA
Energy321 kJ
Carbohydrates17.47 g
Starch15.44 g
Dietary fiber2.2 g
Fat0.1 g
Protein2 g
Water75 g
Thiamine0.08 mg
Riboflavin0.03 mg
Niacin1.05 mg
Pantothenic acid0.296 mg 
Vitamin B60.295 mg
Folate16 μg
Vitamin C19.7 mg 
Vitamin E0.01 mg
Vitamin K1.9 μg
Calcium12 mg
Iron0.78 mg
Magnesium23 mg
Manganese0.153 mg
Phosphorus57 mg
Potassium421 mg
Sodium6 mg
Zinc0.29 mg

Health Benefits Of Potatoes

Potatoes Good for Weight gain
Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and less protein. This makes the potato ideal food for those who want to gain weight. Vitamins are contained in the potatoes like vitamin C and B complex are also essential for the absorption of carbohydrates.

Facilitate the Digestive System
Because potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, making it easy to digest and facilitate digestion. This makes a good diet for patients, babies and those that are difficult to digest food but need energy.

For Skin Care
Vitamin-C, B-complex and minerals like potassium, magnesium phosphorus, and zinc is a good source for skin care. Pulp obtained from raw potatoes, mixed with honey, can also be applied as a paste to clean the wrinkles and other skin blemishes due to aging.

Improve Brain Function
Right brain function is highly dependent on the supply of oxygen, glucose, magnesium, some vitamin B complex and some hormones, such as amino acids and fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids. Potatoes meet almost all requirements mentioned above. In addition, certain other pregnant substance like zinc and phosphorus are good for the brain as well.

Anti Inflammation
Nutrition in potatoes such as vitamin C, vitamin B and potassium and are a good source to relieve inflammation, both internal and external such as inflammatory bowel and digestive system. Because it is soft and easily digested then make potato as a good diet for those who have wounds in the mouth.

Reduce Rheumatism
Some nutrients such as vitamins, calcium and magnesium in potatoes can help reduce rheumatism.

Good for the Heart
In addition to vitamins, minerals, and fiber, potatoes also contain substances called carotenoids that are beneficial for the health of the heart and other internal organs. But as a warning to those of you who suffer from obesity and diabetes is not recommended to consume potatoes because it contains carbohydrates and glucose.

Prevent Kidney Stones
Another benefit is to prevent kidney stones. For patients with kidney stones as much as possible to avoid high protein foods, particularly animal protein such as meat, fish, spinach, etc.. Potatoes are very rich in magnesium that can menjegah deposition of calcium (calcification) in the kidney and other tissues, thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones.

How To Get Rid Of Colic In Babies

When your baby have colic, you will definitely find a way to get rid of it. Babies with colic will cry more often with clenched arms, or legs folded to the stomach, they can be seen in pain. If your baby cries for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks it is called colic. When your baby cries, he will swallow gas so that his stomach looked bloated and hard which makes it even more uncomfortable.

Colic usually begin to appear after the baby is a few weeks old, and then disappear when the baby is 3 months old and although there is a possibility it lasts longer. If your baby is suffering from colic when he was more than 3 months is likely he suffered a "reflux disorder".

Symptoms Of Colic in baby

There are several symptoms of a baby suffering from colic:
  • Continuous crying and fussing endlessly for no reason (and not because they feel hunger, thirst or pain.
  • Crying unusual (to cry more than four times a day).
  • Excessive crying (crying more than 20 minutes, even up to 2 hours at a time, or a total of crying a day to 4 hours or more).
  • Nothing can soothe the baby when crying.

Babies who have colic usually do things like:
  • Crying and screaming very loudly
  • Shook hands and feet while crying
  • Folding the knees up to the stomach while crying

Usually the cause of colic in infants are:

  • Stomach filled with a gas that causes abdominal pain in infants.
  • Pain cramps caused by hormones after birth.
  • Too sensitive with changes the surrounding circumstances. Babies who have colic are usually very sensitive to changes in light (the light is too bright or too dark), noise.

Tips to get rid of colic in babies

Actually there is no specific cure to treat babies who have colic, but there are some ways that can be done by parents to soothe babies suffering from colic. Here are some tips to ease the suffering colic baby crying, and comforting the baby.

1. Feeding the right amount, not too much, but also not too little. Babies were crying after they eat normally prefer to suck-suck objects rather than eating more, or they usually cry for a while before sleeping in her bed. Consult with your pediatrician if you are concerned about eating what you give to your baby.

2. Give your baby a toy or something to stimulate her to see or hear, especially in the morning, but to keep your baby being fussy avoid a lot of play in the evening.

3. Always change your baby's position. If you hold your baby, try to put him down and let him to learn to kick. If you put your baby in a state of sleep, take an active communicate.

4. Hold your baby gently, do not shake or move the baby roughly. Hold your baby in your arms, put your baby's hand close to his body, try walking or shaking the baby gently and slowly, while actively communicating.

5. Buckle your baby in a sitting position or can rock it when you stand by the position up and down.

6. Lie down on the bed and put your baby on your body, you can also massage to calm him down.

7. Try to bathe your baby with warm water and gently massaging his stomach with his hands, soap or towels.

8. Try to turn on the sound that stimulates the baby to sleep, like a crib toys, musical hanging toys and the like.

9. Try to give a pacifier (keep in mind to give a pacifier to the baby slowly and gently).

10. Try to take your baby walks. If you use a car, make sure the baby is in a safe position.

Dealing with baby colic does require more patience. Whenever you feel depressed or frustrated with it, ask for someone to help you keep it for some time so that you can rest. If no one can be asked for help, try to watch TV or listen to the radio. Make sure your baby is safe without side for some time. Cried a little will not hurt your baby.

Looking for medical help

If you feel your baby needs to be taken to a doctor, immediately consult with your pediatrician to find out for certain medical explanation. It is important to explain to the doctor what kind of complaints that your baby naturally, so doctors know for sure. In some conditions, some doctors will prescribe medications that can reduce the symptoms of colic in infants.

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